Administration Offices, Departments, and Leaders
Key FVSU institutional offices, divisions, and departments, along with their leadership, include:
Senior Leadership
- Paul Jones, Ph.D. - President
- Emma Bennett-Williams, Esq. - Chief of Staff (Phone: 478-825-4350)
- Keith Howard, Ph.D. - Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Vice President of Land Grant Affairs
- Timothy L. Hatchett, Ph.D. - Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
- Michelle Martin - Vice President of Business and Finance
- Karen Wright - Vice President for Advancement
Academic Affairs
- Nirmal Joshee, Ph.D. - Interim Dean of Graduate Education (Phone: 478-822-7593)
- Isaac Crumbly, Ph.D. - Associate Vice President for Careers and Collaborative Programs and Founder/Director, Cooperative Developmental Energy Program (CDEP) (Phone: 478-825-6243)
- Nasser Momayezi - Interim Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (Phone: 478-825-6738)
- Beth Day-Hairston, Ph.D. - Dean of the College of Education (Phone: 478-825-6856)
- Keith Howard, Ph.D. - Dean of the College of Agriculture, Family Sciences, and Technology (Phone: 478-825-6320)
- Jill T. Ellis, Ph.D. - Executive Director, Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness (OIRPE) (Phone: 478-822-7593)
- Frank Mahitab - Hunt Memorial Library (Phone: 478-825-6753)
- Darryl J. Hancock, Ph.D. - Interim Assistant VP for Online Learning and Faculty Development (Phone: 478-827-3857)
- Sharee Lawrence - Office of the Registrar (Phone: 478-825-6282)
- Kermelle D. Hensley, Ed.D. - Special Assistant to the Provost on Faculty Affairs & Executive Director, Strategic Academic Partnerships (Phone: 478-825-4302)
- Rayton R. Sianjina, Ph.D. - Office of Global Studies and Engagement (Phone: 478-825-6791)
- Mark Smith, Ph.D. - Honors Program (Phone: 478-825-6667)
Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
- Timothy L. Hatchett, Ph.D. - Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management (Phone: 478-825-6291)
- Vacant - Executive Director, Student Engagement and Achievement Center (Phone: 478-822-1018)
- Barcado Styles - Director of Career Services (Phone: 478-825-6350)
- Heidi Pinney - Executive Director of Financial Aid (Phone: 478-825-6605)
- Alex Thomas - Executive Director of Recruitment and Admissions (Phone: 478-825-6520)
- Candace Mims - Access and Accomodations Coordinator (Phone: 478-822-1072)
University Advancement
- Karen Wright - Vice President for Advancement (Phone: 478-827-3677)
- Karyn Nooks - Director of Alumni Relations (Phone: 478-822-1064)
Business and Finance
- Michelle Martin - Chief Business Officer and Vice President (Phone: 478-825-6425)
- John Cagnina - Bursar and Director of Student Account Services (Phone: 478-825-6522)
- Rebecca Horton - Director of Procurement (Phone: 478-825-6226)
Title III Administration
- Danyell Barry - Director (Phone: 478-827-3232)
Information Technology
- Ndidi Akuta, Sc.D. - Chief Information Officer (Phone: 478-825-6228)
- Kimecia Oliver - Assisstant Director of Information Technology/IT Support Manager (Phone: 478-825-6228)
Marketing and Communications
- Britney Smith, MBA - Executive Director (Phone: 478-825-6518)
- Events Management - Phone (478-825-6478)
Legal Affairs, Compliance, and Audit
- Karin D. Vinson, Esq.-General Counsel and Director of Government Affairs (Phone: 478-825-4350)
- Title IX- (Phone: 478-825-4284)
- Contracts and Compliance - Phone: 478-825-4284
Human Resources
- Brianna Washington, Assistant HR Director - Phone: 478-825-6301
- Daphnie Johnson - Interim Director of Athletics - Phone: 478-825-6179
- Ticket Office - Phone: 478-825-6522
Campus Police and Safety
- Antonio Fletcher - Chief of Police (Phone: 478-825-6500)