Work From Home Guide

To work from home, you will possibly need to setup and prepare the following items.

Public Wifi Locations

Georgia has created a list of public wifi locations that you can visit and utilize the internet from your car. The actual location is closed in most cases, but the wifi is available in the parking lot. Please check out the list below for a location near you. Also your university credentials will work at any other college campus in the University System of Georgia for EduRoam. EduRoam is also located at other participating colleges and universitites. 

Public Wifi Locations EduRoam Locations

Collaboration and Productivity Software

Microsoft Teams

Also known as Teams, is Microsoft’s collaboration system that allows you to communicate with users via video, chat, and the exchange of documents from a web-based system that is fully mobile-friendly, You can use a computer/laptop to load the teams client, or you can load an app from Google or Apple on your phone to access Teams while on the go.

Instructions on how to use Teams can be found here

File Storage and Access

VPN – Virtual Private Networking: (only available off campus)

This is a connection that you can set up on your computer or laptop at home and connect to the campus network to gain access to your departmental shared folder and PeopleSoft.

To request VPN access please go here and fill out the form.

Departmental Shared folder access: (requires a VPN connection to work)

To access the files on your departmental shared folder, you will need to connect to the campus network first, through VPN, then map the drive to your computer or laptop

Instructions on how to map a network shared folder on windows can be found here

Instructions on how to map a network shared folder on mac can be found here

One Drive

One drive is a part of the Microsoft Campus Agreement that allows our users to have a cloud based virtual drive/ thumb drive that can be accessed from a client loaded on your home computer/laptop or from the Office365 Web client.

Instructions on how to use OneDrive on windows can be found here


Please use your Microsoft Teams Desktop application for phone calls and setting forwards if necessary 



Your voicemail should be delivered to your university mailbox shortly after a message is left for you. Once the voicemail message is delivered, you can click on the attached message to listen to the message.

You can also view voicemails in Microsoft Teams application. 


Getting Help

You can get help by contacting the IT Helpdesk by phone at (478) 825-6228 or by email at Helpdesk hours are Mon – Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm