LinkedIn Career Profile

Young woman looking down at cell phone in her hand

Create Your LinkedIn Profile Here.

Your FVSU E-Portfolio is one of the most dynamic ways to show potential employers or graduate schools have formidable you are. It helps you chronicle your experiences and showcase your talents in a robust, easy to navigate form. In many ways, it can be even more impactful than a simple resume.

Your FVSU Career Profile is your electronic career folder. Use it to organize your career research, exploration, and plans. When you have a portfolio, you can:

  • Save favorite pages
  • Save results from career assessments and return to them later
  • Keep notes about your saved pages and results
  • Create resumes using your education and work history
  • Store your career checklists and career plans
  • Track your college applications
  • Upload files and save links to helpful sites

Guide to Creating a Professional LinkedIn Profile