130 Stories

Enterprise Risk Management Committee

Posted on Sep 27, 2017 at 0:00 AM

The Enterprise Risk Management Committee (ERMC) provides oversight and support for University central operations and institution-wide administrative activities. The goal of ERMC is to devising strategic plans to help identify and achieve institutional goals, while simultaneously helping to manage and assess the risks that may serve to limit or prevent goal attainment. Serving on the ERM committee are the following positions:

  • Compliance Director
  • Legal Affairs Officer
  • Internal Auditor
  • HR Director
  • Judicial Affairs Officer
  • Director of Facilities
  • EHS Director
  • Controller
  • Director of Campus Safety
  • Athletics Compliance Officer
  • Disability Services Director
  • Chief Information Officer

The ERM committee is further divided into the following subcommittees, each with decisional authority within its designated purview. Each committee chair also serves on the broader ERM oversight committee to ensure optimal collaboration and consistency in message and approach:

  • Agriculture & Lab Animals Care & Use
  • Athletics
  • Emergency Mgmt, CLERY & SAFE
  • Compensation & Benefits
  • Environmental Health & Safety
  • Human Subjects
  • Hearings
  • NSF Compliance

The Agricultural and Laboratory Animals Care and Use (ALACUC):

This subcommittee is responsible for approving, monitoring, facilitating, and supporting the institution's ALACUC Program. Its goal is to ensure that the use of agricultural and laboratory animals in teaching and research programs is humane, appropriate, and in accordance with the "Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Agricultural Research and Teaching," and other guidelines and policies affecting the care and use of agricultural and laboratory animals.

Environmental Health & Safety:

This subcommittee is responsible for providing a chemical waste management program, a safety policies and procedures manual, training programs, fact sheets, laboratory safety manual templates, safety standard operating procedures, a bio-safety manual template and blood born pathogen exposure control plan templates, as well as other resources and tools. Biological agents used in research will also be overseen by this committee.


This subcommittee shall establish and oversee athletic policies and practices, ensuring conformity with governing organizations such as the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association (SIAC), National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), etc. Acting as a liaison between faculty, students and the athletic programs, it will ensure proper emphasis on educational programs.

Human Subjects:

This subcommittee is responsible for ensuring that human subjects utilized in research efforts and the manner in which they are involved meet all federal, state, and local regulations. The committee will also review and approve all research protocols and subject release forms.

Emergency Management, CLERY & SAFE:

This subcommittee regularly meets to discuss and create protocol for handling emergency situations involving the people, animals and property that occupy our campus. This subcommittee also serves as an advisory board for leadership relative to safety planning on campus.


This subcommittee is charged with ensuring there are ample trained panelist to participate in university hearings relative to student code of conduct, Title IX, and employee grievance hearings.

Compensation & Benefits:

This subcommittee is responsible for overseeing select campus policies geared towards ensuring the physical, financial and emotional wellness of our community. The subcommittee convenes to make decisions relative to requests for shared sick leave, benevolent fund utilization, and job grade classification reassessment.

National Science Foundation (NSF):

This subcommittee provides oversight and support for NSF funded activities. When required to convene, the members consist of the President, Compliance Officer, Legal Officer, Director of OSP, Controller, Budget Director, Chief Business Officer, VP for Academic Affairs and Provost.


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