Nirmal Joshee, Ph.D.
FVSU Main Number: 478-827-FVSU
College of Agriculture, Family Sciences and Technology

Nirmal Joshee, Ph.D.
College of Agriculture, Family Sciences and Technology
- (478) 822-7039
- Biotechnology (Master of Science)
- Plant Science
- Stallworth Biotechnology Building
- 1005 State University Dr.
- Fort Valley, GA, 31030
Associate Professor of Plant Science
1005 State University Drive
Stallworth Biotechnology building, Rm. 103
Fort Valley, GA 31030
Fax: 478.825.6376
Doctor of Philosophy: Botany – North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, India (1987)
Master of Science: Botany – Kumaun University, Naini Tal, Uttarakhand, India (1980)
Bachelor of Science: Biology – Kumaun University, Naini Tal, Uttarakhand, India (1978)
2012-Present: Associate Professor of Plant Science, FVSU
2006-2012: Assistant Professor of Plant Science, FVSU
1995-1998: Assistant Professor, School of Sciences, Department of Biological Science, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal
2001-2006: Research Professional (Horticulture), Fort Valley State University
1998-2001: Post-Doctoral, University of Nebraska Med Center, Omaha, NE, Liposome mediated gene transfer in animal cells
1991-1995: Post -Doctoral, Biotechnology Institute, Ogata, Akita. Japan. Molecular biology of water stress induced genes
1989-1991: Senior Research Scientist, Research Lab for Ag-Biotechnology & Biochemistry, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tissue culture of trees & crop plants
1987-1988: Research Associate, Directorate of Cinchona and other medicinal plants, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India. Tissue culture of medicinal plants (Dioscorea, Ipecac, Cinchona)
1986-1987: Senior Res Fellow, Botanical Survey of India, Shillong. Flora collection and identification, Namdapha Tiger Reserve, Arunachal Pradesh
Plant reproductive biology
Plant tissue and protoplast culture, anther and microspore culture
Plant germplasm conservation and artificial seed production
Regulation of stress induced genes in plants
Generation of transgenic plants and hairy root induction
Associate Professor of Plant Science
1005 State University Drive
Stallworth Biotechnology building, Rm. 103
Fort Valley, GA 31030
Fax: 478.825.6376
Doctor of Philosophy: Botany – North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, India (1987)
Master of Science: Botany – Kumaun University, Naini Tal, Uttarakhand, India (1980)
Bachelor of Science: Biology – Kumaun University, Naini Tal, Uttarakhand, India (1978)
2012-Present: Associate Professor of Plant Science, FVSU
2006-2012: Assistant Professor of Plant Science, FVSU
1995-1998: Assistant Professor, School of Sciences, Department of Biological Science, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal
2001-2006: Research Professional (Horticulture), Fort Valley State University
1998-2001: Post-Doctoral, University of Nebraska Med Center, Omaha, NE, Liposome mediated gene transfer in animal cells
1991-1995: Post -Doctoral, Biotechnology Institute, Ogata, Akita. Japan. Molecular biology of water stress induced genes
1989-1991: Senior Research Scientist, Research Lab for Ag-Biotechnology & Biochemistry, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tissue culture of trees & crop plants
1987-1988: Research Associate, Directorate of Cinchona and other medicinal plants, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India. Tissue culture of medicinal plants (Dioscorea, Ipecac, Cinchona)
1986-1987: Senior Res Fellow, Botanical Survey of India, Shillong. Flora collection and identification, Namdapha Tiger Reserve, Arunachal Pradesh
Plant reproductive biology
Plant tissue and protoplast culture, anther and microspore culture
Plant germplasm conservation and artificial seed production
Regulation of stress induced genes in plants
Generation of transgenic plants and hairy root induction
Peer reviewed articles:
- Vaidya, B. N., Brearley, T. A., and Joshee, N. 2014. Antioxidant Capacity of Fresh and Dry Leaf Extracts of Sixteen Scutellaria Species. J. Medicinally Active Plants. (Accepted).
- N. K. Yadav, B. N. Vaidya, K. Henderson, J. F. Lee, W. M. Stewart, S. A. Dhekney, and N. Joshee. 2013. A Review of Paulownia Biotechnology: A Short Rotation, Fast Growing Multipurpose Bioenergy Tree. American J Plant Science 4:2070-2082.
- D. Clapa, A. Fira, and N. Joshee. 2013. An efficient in vitro rooting and acclimatization method for horticultural plants using float hydroculture. HortScience 48(9): 1159-1167.
- B, Tisserat, L, Reifschneider, N, Joshee, and V. L. Finkenstadt. 2013. Evaluation of Paulownia elongata Wood Polyethylene Composites. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials. 1-20 DOI: 10.1177/0892705713505856.
- B, Tisserat, L, Reifschneider, N, Joshee, and V. L. Finkenstadt. 2013. Properties of high density polyethylene – Paulownia wood flour composites via injection molding. BioResources 8(3):4440-4458.
- J, Yan, N. Joshee and S. Liu. 2013. A kinetic study on the hot-water extraction of Paulownia elongata woodchips. Journal of Bioprocess Engineering and Biorefinery 2:1-10.
- S. Shiwakoti, D.A. Shannon, C.W. Wood, K.S. Lawrence, B, Kemppainen, N Joshee, and AM Rimando. 2013. Harvesting number and timing effects on shoot yield and flavonoid content in American Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora). Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants 19(3):248-261.
- B. Tisserat, N. Joshee, A. K. Mahapatra, G. W. Selling, and V. L. Finkenstadt. 2013. Physical and mechanical properties of extruded poly(lactic acid)-based Paulownia elongata bio-composites. Industrial Crops and Products 44:88-96.
- Patel P. S, Joshee. N, Rimando. A.M. and Parajuli, P. 2013. Anti-cancer scopes and associated mechanisms of Scutellaria extract and flavonoid wogonin. Current Cancer Therapy Reviews 9: 34-42.
- Similien, D. A. Shannon, C. W. Wood, E. van Santen, N. Joshee, W. G. Foshee. 2012. Partial shade, irrigation and added nutrients maximize dry matter yield of American Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora L.). HortScience 47(12):1705-1709.
- Dandawate S, Williams L, Joshee N, Rimando AM, Mittal S, Thakur A, Lum L and Parajuli P. 2012. Scutellaria extract and wogonin inhibit tumor-mediated induction of Treg cells via inhibition of TGF-β1 activity. Cancer Immunol Immunother 61:701–711.
- P. Parajuli, N. Joshee, S. R. Chinni, A. M. Rimando, S. Mittal, S. Sethi and A. K. Yadav. 2011. Delayed growth of glioma by Scutellaria flavonoids involve inhibition of Akt, GSK-3 and NF-kB signaling. J Neurooncol. 101(1):15-24.
- Tascan, A, J. W. Adelberg, A. M. Rimando, M. Tascan, N. Joshee, A. K. Yadav. 2010. Hyperhydricity and flavonoid content of Scutellaria species in vitro on polyester-supported liquid culture systems. HortScience 45(10):1723-1728
- Wei Hao, Rajeev Arora, N. Joshee, and A. K. Yadav. 2009. Freezing tolerance and cold acclimation in guava (Psidium guajava L.). HortScience 44: 1258-1266.
- P. Parajuli, N. Joshee, A. Rimando, S. Mittal and A. K. Yadav. 2009. In vitro anti-tumor mechanisms of various Scutellaria extracts and constituent flavonoids. Planta Medica 75:41-48.
- Tascan A., Jeff Adelberg, Nirmal Joshee, A K Yadav, and M, Tascan. 2007. Liquid culture systems for Scutellaria spp. Acta Hort. 756:163-170.
- Joshee, N, D. Harris, A, Yadav, and A. K. Yadav. 2007. Influence of explant selection and culture conditions on organogenesis and germplasm conservation in Bacopa monnieri (L) Wettst. Acta Hort. 756: 119-128.
- Joshee, N, S R Mentreddy, and A K Yadav. 2007. Mycorrhizal fungi and growth and development of micropropagated Scutellaria integrifolia plants. Industrial Crops and Production 25(2):169-177.
- Joshee, N., B. K. Biswas, and A. K. Yadav. 2007. Somatic embryogenesis and plant development in Centella asiatica L., A highly prized medicinal plant of tropics. HortScience 42(3):633-637.
- Joshee, N, Mutua, M, Zee, F., and Yadav, A. K. 2004. In vitro shoot bud induction and plantlet regeneration in guava as influenced by genotype. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 632:279-285.
- Joshee N, Bastola D, and Cheng P-W. 2002. Transferrin-facilitated lipofection gene delivery strategy: characterization of the transfection complexes and intracellular trafficking. Hum. Gene Therapy 13:1991-2004.
- Bastola, D R, Agrawal, V P, and Joshee N., 2000. In vitro propagation of a Himalayan pine- P. wallichiana A. B. Jacks. Curr. Sci. 78(3):338-341.
- Sinha, S, Pokhrel, S, Vaidya, B, Joshee, N, 1999. Rapid in vitro micropropagation and callus induction in Scutellaria discolor Colebr.- A medicinally important plant of Nepal. Indian J. Pl. Genetic Resources 12 (2/3):219 -223.
- Li, C, Joshee, N, Adler, K B and Cheng, P-W, 1999. Development of monoclonal antibodies against bovine mucin core-2β-6 N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase. Glycoconjugate Journal 16: 555-562.
- Joshee N, Kisaka H, and Kitagawa Y, 1998. Isolation and characterization of a water- stress specific genomic gene, pwsi18, from rice. Plant Cell Physiol. 39 (1): 64 -72.
- Takahashi R., Joshee N. and Kitagawa Y, 1994. Induction of chilling resistance by water stress, and cDNA sequence analysis and expression of water stress regulated genes in rice. Plant Molecular Biology. 26: 339-352.
Book chapters / Proceedings
- N. Joshee, A. Tascan, Fabricio Medina- Bolivar, P. Parajuli, A. M. Rimando, Dennis A Shannon, J. W. Adelberg. 2012. Scutellaria: Biotechnology, Phytochemistry and its Potential as a Commercial Medicinal Crop. Biotechnology for Medicinal Plants: Micropropagation and Improvement, Eds. Suman Chandra, Hemant Lata and Ajit Varma, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Germany pp. 69-99.
- Joshee. N. 2012. Paulownia: A Multipurpose Tree for Rapid Lignocellulosic Biomass Production. In: Kole C, Joshi CP, Shonnard D (eds) Handbook of Bioenergy crop Plants. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 671 - 686.
- Joshee N, P. Parajuli, F. Medina-Bolivar, A. M. Rimando and A. K. Yadav. 2010. Scutellaria Biotechnology: Achievements and Future Prospects. Bulletin UASVM Horticulture, 67(1):24-32. Print ISSN 1843-5254; Electronic ISSN 1843-5394.
- Tascan, A, J. W. Adelberg, M. Tascan, N. Joshee, A. K. Yadav. 2009. Polyester fiber controlled hyperhydricity for three species of Scutellaria: Medicinal plant. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 826:141-146.
- Joshee, N., Rimando, A. M., Parajuli, P., Rawat, G. S., and Yadav, A. K. 2009. Investigating two medicinal Scutellaria species of Himalayan origin. In: Advances in Agriculture, Environment, and Health; Fruits, Vegetables, Animals and Biomedical Sciences (Eds. Singh SB, Chaurasia, OP, Yadav, A, Rimando, AM, and Terrill, TH). Pp. 347-356. SS Publishing House, Delhi, India.
- Joshee, N, T. S. Patrick, Rao, S. Mentreddy, and A. K. Yadav. 2002. Skullcap: Potential medicinal crop. In: J. Janick and A. Whipkey (eds.)., Perspectives on New Crops and New Uses, American Society Hort. Sci. Press, Alexandria, VA, pp. 581-587.
- Joshee, N, D. R. Bastola, V. P. Agrawal, and A. K. Yadav. 2002. Lakoocha: A multipurpose tree of warm climates. In: J. Janick and A. Whipkey (eds.)., Perspectives on New Crops and New Uses, American Soc Horticultural Science Press, Alexandria, VA, pp. 390-391.
- Mentreddy, S. R., A. I. Mohamed, N. Joshee, and A. K. Yadav. 2002. Edamame: A nutritious vegetable crop. In: J. Janick and A. Whipkey (eds.)., Perspectives on New Crops and New Uses, American Society Hort. Science Press, Alexandria, VA, pp. 422-428.