Wireless at FVSU


The FVSU wireless network is available to all students, faculty, and staff as well as registered guests. 

The campus wireless network covers the interior of all university owned buildings as well as all of the housing residential suites. Outdoor wireless coverage is available in select areas and are as follows Historic Quad, Greek Row, and Stadium, Amphitheater, Softball Field, outside seating of Library, and Child Development Center. We are constantly increasing the amount of outdoor wireless coverage and enhancing the coverage on the interiors of the buildings.

We are constantly increasing our outdoor wireless capabilities. We are always looking at ways to enhance the wireless coverage in the buildings.




How to access the FVSU Wireless Network:

Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff will connect to the Wildcat wireless network using their @fvsu.edu address and password to authenticate.

The Wildcat wireless network provides an extra layer of security and access to authorized FVSU users. The secure wireless network requires users to log in using their FVSU credentials to gain access to the Internet or University resources. Staff and Faculty may connect their personal devices to the Wildcat wireless network.

Instructions: From your mobile phone, laptop, or tablet

  1. Select the Wildcat network from the list of available wireless networks.
  2. Accept the certificate if presented.
  3. Enter your username (your @fvsu.edu email address)
  4. Enter your password

Once connected to the FVSU wireless network, you will be able to seamlessly connect in all buildings on campus and in housing. You will need to enter your password again only if you use a different device or change your password.



Campus visitors may utilize the wireless network by creating a temporary account when connecting to the Wildcat-Guest wireless network.

Self Registration

A cell phone capable of receiving an SMS text message is required. If you do not have a texting plan, you may be charged for the text or it may be rejected by your phone. Standard data rates and charges will apply.

You can create your temporary account on your phone, computer, or tablet. You will then receive a text message that contains your new password for the Guest WiFi.

  1. Select the Wildcat-Guest wireless network from the list of available wireless networks on your device.
  2. You may be presented with a certificate. Accept the certificate, and you will be directed to the registration page.
  3. Select the link to create a new account
  4. Enter the information requested and select register.
  5. Your username and your password will be sent to your phone via an SMS text.
  6. Enter your username and password on the login page to gain access to the wireless network.

You may use the same username and password for up to three devices.

In Person Request

If you do not have a cell phone capable of receiving a text message or would prefer not to use it, contact the Help Desk in person or by phone for assistance. A state-issued ID and home phone number will be required.

The Help Desk is located in the Library. Office hours and information for the Help Desk may be found here.

Guest registration access is good for 7 days and can be used to authenticate up to 3 devices. If you should be on campus for more than 7 days, you will need to go through the registration process again.



Students will connect to the Wildcat wireless network and use their @wildcat.fvsu.edu address and password to authenticate.

The Wildcat wireless network provides an extra layer of security and access to authorized FVSU users. The secure wireless network requires users to log in using their FVSU credentials to gain access to the Internet or university resources. Students may connect their personal devices to the wildcat-devices wireless network utilizing their @wildcat.fvsu.edu username and password.

The following devices are not supported or allowed on the FVSU network.

  • Personal Wireless Routers
  • Wireless Printers in Ad Hoc Mode

If these devices are found on the wired or wireless network, they will be shut down and you will be referred to the housing disciplinary board.

Once connected to the Wildcat wireless network, you will be able to seamlessly connect in all buildings on campus and in housing. You will need to enter your username and password again only if you use a different device or change your password.

Instructions: From your mobile phone, laptop, or tablet

  1. Select the Wildcat network from the list of available wireless networks.
  2. Accept the certificate if presented.
  3. Enter your username (your @wildcat.fvsu.edu email address)
  4. Enter your password

If you live in housing and would like to connect a device to the network such as your TV, gaming system, or other network system, you will need to register that device. Instructions for registering and connecting network-attached devices can be found under Student Devices above. If you have issues connecting your device to the network please contact Student IT Support at ithelpdesk@fvsu.edu.


Student Devices

Housing Residents who wish to connect their devices to the wireless network will have to register those devices to gain access.

Gaming Devices, TV’s, Streaming Devices, and Printers

The authentication system utilized at FVSU does not support certain devices such as game consoles, TVs, streaming devices, wireless printers, and other network-capable devices.

The following devices allow self-registration and will connect to the Wildcat wireless network.

  • IOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Nook (all)
  • Kindle (all)

The following devices require manual registration and must be connected to the Wildcat-Devices wireless network.

  • Chromecast
  • Xbox (all)
  • Playstation (all)
  • Roku (all)
  • Amazon Fire TV (all)
  • Wireless Printers (all)
  • Wii (all)
  • Smart TV (all)

To register a device

You will need your user name (full email address), your FVSU password, and the MAC (device ID or media access control) address of the devices. Information on finding your mac address can be found below. Once you register your device, the status will show as “Pending”. This status will not change, but that is not an indication the registration failed.

  1. Go to mydevices.fvsu.edu in your browser window.
  2. Log on using your @wildcat.fvsu.edu address and password.
  3. Select “Add”.
  4. In Device Name, enter a name for your device. Use something like username-device. An example would be john.student-xbox1.
  5. In the Device ID field, enter the MAC address. You only need to enter the letters and numbers of the MAC address. Do not enter spaces or colons.
  6. Click Submit. This will take you back to the Manage Devices screen.
  7. Your device should be listed on the Manage Devices screen. If you do not see it click Refresh.
  8. Once you see your device, you will see it says “Pending” next to it. Even if you have the device correctly registered, it will always say “Pending”. This is a bug in the software. Do not worry, the Status can be ignored.
  9. Once you see your device, you can sign out of this page by clicking on your username in the upper right and selecting sign out, or you can close the window.
  10. Go to your device and in the wireless settings, select the Wildcat-Devices wireless network.
  11. Your device should automatically connect. If it does not, check the MAC address and make sure it is the same as the one you have entered in the registration system.

If the device will not join the Wildcat-Devices network after you have registered it and made sure the MAC address is correct, please submit a ticket with the HelpDesk.

If you have a device that is not listed and you need assistance finding the MAC address or getting it registered, please contact the IT Student Support at ithelpdesk@fvsu.edu.