130 Stories

CDEP Celebrates 41st Anniversary

Posted on Mar 28, 2024 at 16:57 PM

The Cooperative Developmental Energy Program (CDEP) celebrated its Forty-First Annual Energy Career Day (ECD) and Student Recruitment Conference from February 24 – 27, 2024. Isaac Crumbly, Ph.D., the founder and director of CDEP, reported a strong turnout for the ECD Student Recruitment Conference. Noteworthy corporate sponsors such as Chevron, Exxon Mobil, Georgia Power, Geosyntec, and Shell were in attendance. Additionally, CDEP's seven partnering universities, including the University of Alabama, the University of Arkansas, Georgia Tech, Grand Valley State University, Pennsylvania State University, the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, and the University of Texas, were also present at the event.

At CDEP’s Industry Award Banquet on February 25, 2024, Robert Jones, Ph.D., Charles Robinson, Ph.D., and Ms. Josetta Jones were recipients of CDEP’s highest award, the Platinum Achievement Award (PAA). The PAA is given to persons of color and women who have achieved high-level positions in energy-related fields, education, or corporate America. Jones, a 1973 FVSU alum, is the first African American to serve as Chancellor of the University of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana. The University of Illinois has the nation’s 6th largest enrollment in the U.S., 56,403.  The second recipient of CDEP’s Platinum Achievement Award was Charles Robinson, Ph.D., and he too is the first African American to serve as Chancellor of the University of Arkansas. The University of Arkansas has an enrollment of 32,140 and serves as the State Flagship institution. Ms. Rosetta Jones was the third recipient to receive CDEP’s Platinum Achievement Award who is Chevron’s Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer and Ombuds. Ms. Jones holds one of Chevron’s top corporate positions. Ms. Alicia Green was the recipient of the Joseph Huffstetler Award, and she is the General Manager of Information Technology Engineering for Chevron.  Ms. Green is the great, great, granddaughter of Merida Hubbard. Mr. Hubbard played a pivotal role in FVSU being designated an agricultural college in 1931.  The FVSU Merida Hubbard Education Building is named in his honor.

CDEP awarded bachelor/graduate dual scholarships to 12 bright students with an estimated value of $60,000 each at FVSU and $75,000 graduate scholarship with one of CDEP’s partnering universities. Combined, each dual degree scholarship is estimated to be $135,000. More than $1.6 million was contributed to CDEP via corporate sponsorships, grants, and contracts.

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