Tamara Payne, Ph.D., LPC, CRC, NCC, ACS

Professor and Chair of Counseling Department

College of Education and Professional Studies

Payne Tamara B.

Tamara Payne, Ph.D., LPC, CRC, NCC, ACS

Professor and Chair of Counseling Department

College of Education and Professional Studies

University Directory

Curriculum Vitae

Tamara B. Payne, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, CRC


Ph.D., Academic Psychology, May 2006, Walden University
M.S., Rehabilitation Counseling, June 1996, Fort Valley State University
B.S., Infant and Child Development, June 1994, Fort Valley State University


The Effects of Personal Barriers and Life Satisfaction on Transitioning To Work”.
The study was an examination of the barriers and perceptions of selected women, both those who are in transitioning to work and those who have successfully gained employment. The study was conducted to gain insight into the personal experiences and views of these women about the welfare-to-work program during their transition.
Advisors: Drs. Richard Waite, Eugene Bender and Michael Raphael


  • Gladyce C. Sampson Memorial Lecturer Award. Fort Valley State University: Department of Family and Consumer Science, 2007

  • Inductee Psi Chi National Psychology Honor Society,

  • Fort Valley State University Rehabilitation Scholarship Grant recipient, 1994-1995.

  • National’s Deans List, 1994

Teaching Experience

Associate Professor, Fort Valley State University

  • Rehabilitation Counseling (Graduate), August 2011- Present

Adjunct Instructor, Chattahoochee Technical College

  • Psychology (Undergraduate), January 2003-Present.

Adjunct Instructor, Fort Valley State University

  • Rehabilitation Counseling (Graduate), Fall 2006-August 2011

  • Mental Health Counseling (Graduate), Winter 2009-2011

Adjunct Online Instructor, Argosy University

  • Psychology (Undergraduate), October 2008- April 2009

Adjunct Online Instructor, Phoenix University

  • Counseling (Graduate), 2008

Courses Taught and/or *Developed in Online and Hybrid Formats

Fort Valley State University- Graduate Level
RCCM 5403 Introduction to Rehabilitation Counseling* RCCM 5413 Introduction to Case Management* RCCM 5421 Lifespan Development in Rehabilitation* RCCM 5423 Medical Case Management*
RCCM 5432 Psychiatric Rehabilitation* RCCM 5452 Rehabilitation Assessment* RCCM 5483 Cultural Diversity in Counseling*
RCCM 5800 Special Topics in Rehabilitation Counseling & Case Management RCCM 5441 Practicum
CPSY 5432 Psychological Case Management*
CPSY 5443 Career Development*
CPSY 5623 Counseling Theories and Process* CPSY 5633 Group Theory and Process* CSPY 5733 Psychological Evaluation
Fort Valley State University- Undergraduate Level
PSYC 4013 History of Psychology PSYC 4033 Psychopharmacology PSYC 4083 Forensic Psychology
Chattahoochee Technical College
PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology PSYC 2103 Human Development PSYC 2250 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 1150 Industrial/Organizational Psychology*

Committee Service

Greek Advisory Council (Pan-Hellenic Council) (2016-Present) Faculty/Staff Institute Committee (2014-Present)
Rehabilitation Counseling Admissions Committee (Chair) (2015-Present) Online Teaching and Course Development Committee (2013- Present) Disability Awareness Committee (2010-Present)
Online Task Force (Office of Academic Affairs) (2016) Graduate Studies Admissions Committee (2014-2015)
Search Committee for Dean of Graduate Studies and Extended Programs (2014) Institutional-Level Appeals Committee (2013)
Search Committee for Assistant Professor for Rehabilitation Counseling (2013) CORE Accreditation Committee (Renewal Process) (2010 & 2015)
College-Level Tenure and Promotional Committee (Observer) (2012)

Relevant Experience

Contractor/Therapist/Owner. BrownPayne Innovations, LLC. 2005-Present Mobile On-Call Counselor and Administrator. Anchor Hospital, 2003-2009.
Training and Development Coordinator, Goodwill Industries of North Georgia. August 2003- December 2005.
Welfare-to-Work Coordinator, Goodwill Industries of North Georgia. December 1999- August 2003.
Acute Care/Crisis Stabilization Coordinator. Metro State Prison. June 1997-December 1999.

Professional Affiliations

  • National Rehabilitation Association

  • Georgia Rehabilitation Association

  • National Association on Multicultural Rehabilitation Concerns (Vice-President Elect)

  • Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Association

  • License Professional Counselor Association of

  • American Psychological Association

  • Psi Chi National Honor Society for Psychology

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness


  • National Certified Counselor (NCC)

  • Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC)

  • License Professional Counselor (LPC)

  • Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS)

  • Certified Professional Counselor Supervisor (CPCS)

  • Certified Holistic Life Coach (CHLC)

Community Service Activities

  • Georgia Alumni of Historical Black State Universities (GAAHBU). Alumni Speaker. 2012-2016.

  • Ralph Malone Motivational Task Force. Fort Valley State University, 2006- 2015.

  • Volunteer Reviewer. Military Scholarship Program. NBCC Foundation,

  • Volunteer Reviewer. Minority Fellowship Program. NBCC Foundation, 2013-14.

  • AID Atlanta Speakers Bureau

  • Volunteer, The Young Adult Guidance Center

Research Interests

Using simulations to teach life skills and behavioral changes Stereotype threat among minority youth and women
Freud’s Phallic stage, mate selection and relationships Media Influences and psychology
Childhood experiences and development Innovative Teaching Online and Face-To-Face Microaggression

Dr. Tamara Payne is the co-chair of the SAM Task Force. Dr. Payne is currently an Associate Professor of Rehabilitation Counseling, Coordinator of Faculty Development, and also teaches Psychology. Dr. Payne has been a holistic therapist, trainer, and clinical supervisor for over 15 years. Dr. Payne is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, and a National Certified Counselor. She is certified in Assessment, Evaluation, and Treatment of Sexual Assault and Cognitive Processing Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). At the university, Dr. Payne has served on various committees/task forces, provided personal and professional workshops, and program development. She has published research and presented at state and national professional conferences.

Publications/Book Reviews/Article Editing

Haywood, J. and Payne, T. B. (Abstract Accepted; Manuscript in-progress). Meritocracy or Hypocrisy: Microaggressive Perceptions of Black Athletes at Predominately White Institution. Sociological Inquiry.
McCamey, J., and Payne, T. B. (2015, April). A Strength-based Approach to Working with African-American Youth Living in Poverty. International Journal of Arts and Commerce, 4(4), 213-223.
Book Reviewer. Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Chronic Illness and Disability, Fifth Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2015.
Brown, K. Slavery and Christianity. Seeinggrowth.com, January 24, 2012. (Editing) Brown, K. Second Chance. Seeinggowth.com, September 21, 2011. (Editing) Brown, K. Emotional Awareness. Seeinggrowth.com, September 11, 2011. (Editing)
Brown, K. Fatherly Considerations. Seeinggrowth.com, September 7, 2011. (Editing)
Book Reviewer. Career Development. Sage Publications, July 2011.
Payne, T. B. (2008). Preface. In K. Brown (Author). The System Versus The Law. (pp. ix-x). Cherry Hill, NJ:AHLP Books.


Co-presenter. Moss, B. H. and Payne, T. B. Action Speaks Volumes: Case Conceptualization in Supervision. Licensed Professional Counselor Association Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, May 2016.
Co-Presenter. Haywood, J. L. and Payne, T. B. The Perceptions of Meritocracy of Black Athletes at Predominantly White Institutions. 15th Annual Cross-Cultural Counseling and Education Conference for Research, Action, and Change. Savannah, Georgia, February 2016.
Panelist. Finding Balance: Managing Time, Relationships, and Personal Life in Academia.
Black Doctoral Network Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, October 2015.
Co-Presenter. Reyes, S. and Payne, T. B. Impact of Vocational Counseling on African American Men Entering After Incarceration. National Rehabilitation Association Annual Conference, Biloxi, MS, October 2015.
Co-presenter. Payne, T. B. and Reyes, S. Disability Simulation and Disability Awareness. GRA (Georgia Rehabilitation Association) Annual Training Conference, Augusta, Georgia, September 2015.
Co-Presenter. Navigating the Pre-Tenure Process. Center for Teaching and Learning at Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, Georgia, September 2014 and 2015.
Presenter. Developing Creative and Interactive Activities for Online Classes. Center for Teaching and Learning at Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, Georgia, October 2014.
Presenter. Counseling Same-Sex Couples: Does It Differ? Licensed Professional Counselor Association Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2014.
Panelist. Disability Awareness Week. Rehabilitation Counseling and Case Management Program. Fort Valley State University. Fort Valley, Georgia, October 2013.
Presenter. The Eclectic Counselor. Presenter at the Licensed Professional Counselor Association Annual Convention & Regional Conference. Savannah, Georgia, May 2013.
Presenter. Using Psychology Courses to Teach Life to Elementary, Middle, and High School Students. National Conference on Innovative Counseling Skills and Strategies, Atlanta, Georgia, March 2013.
Guest Lecturer. Psychology. Argosy University, Atlanta, Georgia, 2010.
Guest Instructor. Introduction to Psychology- AP Course. Westlake High School, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2010.
Presenter. Work Readiness Preparation. Clayton Youth Leadership, Jonesboro, Georgia, January 2009.
Speaker. AIDS Presentation. AID Atlanta at Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia, 2008.
Presenter. Quality of Life for Welfare-To-Work Clients Transitioning to Work, Breakfast Seminar: Through The Customer’s Eyes, Grant Association and Department of Family and Children Services. Atlanta, Georgia, April 2006
Presenter. Networking for Success. Women In Business Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, May 2005
Presenter. Therapy Case Presentations. Georgia Department of Corrections, Metro State Prison, Atlanta, Georgia, June 1999.