Emma Bennett-Williams
Chief of Staff
Office of the President

Emma Bennett-Williams is chief of staff at Fort Valley State University.
Attorney Bennett-Williams’ experience in higher education dates back to 2001 and includes roles as human resources program manager, employee benefits manager, chief equal employment officer, diversity officer, chief Title IX officer, staff council chair, campus mediator, and in employee relations She recently served as assistant city attorney for the city of Columbia, South Carolina, responsible for defending the city in employment and workers compensation related lawsuits. In her role with the city of Columbia, she also served as legal advisor to the city’s human resource director, employee relations manager and city manager. Additionally, Attorney Bennett-Williams served as staff attorney for the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission where she oversaw employment discrimination investigations and advised the agency in employment discrimination matters.
Bennett-Williams has given numerous presentations including anti-discrimination training for South Carolina Bar continuing legal education (CLE) courses, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regional workshops, and local chapters of the Society for Human Resource Management and served as an instructor for the South Carolina Bar’s Law School for Non-Lawyers. She also served as an adjunct faculty member at the Art Institute of Charleston where she taught human resources management, organizational development and legal and ethical issues courses.
Born in Charleston, South Carolina, Bennett-Williams earned her bachelor’s degree in business administration from South Carolina State University. She earned her MBA from The Citadel and her Juris Doctor degree with a concentration in employment and labor law from California Western School of Law in San Diego, California.
Bennett-Williams is admitted to practice law in the State of South Carolina and U.S. District Court for the Fourth District. She also holds a Senior Professional of Human Resources (SPHR) certification, is a member of the Riley Diversity Leadership Institute Fellows of Furman University, the South Carolina Bar 2019 Leadership Academy class and is also a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and Jack and Jill of America.