Nalini Pattanaik

Research Assistant

Founders Hall at FVSU

FVSU Main Number: 478-827-FVSU 

College of Agriculture, Family Sciences and Technology

Nalini Pattanaik

Nalini Pattanaik

Research Assistant

College of Agriculture, Family Sciences and Technology

University Directory



Master of Science: Economics - South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD (2005)
Master of Arts: Economics - Berhampur University, Berhampur, Orissa, India (1991)


Spring 2017
Adjunct Instructor: Agricultural Finance (FVSU)
Fall 2016
Adjunct Instructor: Introduction to Agricultural Economics (FVSU)
Spring 2016
Adjunct Instructor: Agricultural Finance (FVSU)
Fall 2015
Adjunct Instructor: Research Methods (FVSU)
Research Assistant: Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Family Sciences and Technology, Fort Valley State University
Academic Resource Specialist: Macon State College, Macon, GA
Graduate Research Assistant: Department of Economics, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD


  • Fruits and vegetables producers’ strategies to enhance organic farming in Georgia

  • Demand for Goat Meat in Georgia


Ibrahim, M., N. Pattanaik, and X. Liu. 2017. Factors Influencing Willingness to Consume Goat-Meat: A Georgia case study. Food Distribution Research Society Journal, 48, 93-98.


  1. Pattanaik, X. Liu, E. Styles, J. Brown, and M. Nelson. April 2017. Factors Affecting Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Farmers’ Acreage Devoted to Organic Produce. Association of 1890 Research Directors (ARD), Atlanta, GA.

  2. Dukes, K., M. Ibrahim, Pattanaik, and A. K. Mahapatra. April 2017. Cost and Effectiveness of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Program– Georgia Small Goat Meat Processors’ View. Association of 1890 Research Directors (ARD). Atlanta, GA.

  3. Liu, X., M. Ibrahim, and Pattanaik. July 2016. Consumer Perception of Local Produces and Casual Factors in the Southeastern States. Agricultural and Applies Economic Association (AAEA). Boston, MA.

  4. Ibrahim, M., Pattanaik, and X. Liu. September 2016. Factors Influencing Willingness to Consume Goat-Meat: A Georgia case study. Food Distribution Research Society (FDRS) conference. New Orleans, LA

  5. Styles, N. Pattanaik, M. Nelson, X. Liu, and J. Brown. February 2015. Barriers to Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Farmers’ Acreage Devoted to Organic Produce. Southern Agricultural Economic Association (SAEA). Atlanta, GA.

  6. Styles, E., Pattanaik, M. Nelson, X. Liu, and J. Brown. November 2014. Barriers to Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Farmers’ Acreage Devoted to Organic Produce. Food Distribution Research Society (FDRS) conference. Salt Lake City, UT.

  7. Pattanaik, N. Handling Difficult Situations in Math Tutoring. March 2011. Georgia Tutoring Association Annual Conference. Macon, GA.

  8. Cole, J., Pattanaik, L. Janssen. July 2006. Impacts of Land Ownership and Debt levels on farm survival and financial growth. Annual Meeting of the American Agriculture Economics Association. Long Beach, CA.