Xiangyan Zeng, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Computer Science
College of Arts and Sciences

Xiangyan Zeng, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Computer Science
College of Arts and Sciences
- (478) 825-6528
- zengx@fvsu.edu
- Computer Science
- Blanchet Computer Technology & Mathematics Building
- 1005 State University Dr.
- Fort Valley, GA, 31030
Ph.D. in Computer Science, emphasis in Intelligent Systems
University of the Ryukyus, Japan
M.E. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
University of the Ryukyus, Japan
M.E. in Computer Applications
Hefei University of Technology, China
B.E. (honors) in Computer Science and Information Engineering
Hefei University of Technology, China
Professor of Computer Science, Fort Valley State University
Associate Professor of Computer Science, Fort Valley State University
Postdoctoral Associate, University of California, Davis
Postdoctoral Associate, California State University, Northridge
Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Northwest Normal University, China
- Machine Learning (Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms)
- Pattern Recognition (Feature Extraction and Selection by Statistical Analysis Techniques)
- Computer Vision (3D reconstruction, Texture analysis)
- -Y. Zeng, M. Naghedolfeizi, S. Arora, N. Yousif, and D. Aberra, “Selection of Principal Components Based on Fisher Discriminant Ratio,” accepted by the conference of Sensing and Analysis Technologies for Biomedical and Cognitive Applications, Maryland, 2016.
- Scherer, M. Arheit, J. Kowal, X.-Y. Zeng, and H. Stahlberg, “Single Particle 3D Reconstruction for 2D Crystal Images of Membrane Proteins,” Journal of Structural Biology, Vol. 185, no. 3, pp. 267-277, 2014.
- -Y. Zeng, and Y.-W. Chen, “Independent Component Analysis and Its Applications to Classification of Remote Sensing Images”, Subspace Methods for Pattern Recognition in Intelligent Environment, Studies in Computational Intelligence 552, pp. 57-79, Springer, 2014.
- -Y. Zeng, M. Naghedolfeizi, S. Arora, N. Yousif, R. Gosukonda, and D. Aberra, “Illumination and Rotation Invariant Texture Representation”, in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition, Las Vegas, July 2013.
- Arheit, D. Castano-Diez, R. Thierry, B. Gipson, X.-Y. Zeng, and H. Stahlberg, “Automation of Image Processing in Electron Crystallography”, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 955, pp.313-330, 2013
- Arheit, D. Castano-Diez, R. Thierry, B. Gipson, X.-Y. Zeng, and H. Stahlberg, “Image Processing of 2D Crystal Images”, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 955, pp.171-194, 2013
- -Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, O. Hughes, and H. Stahlberg, “Iterative Transform Algorithms for 3D reconstruction of 2D Crystals,” Journal of Next Generation Information Technology, vol. 3, no.1, pp.28- 35, 2012.
- Schenk, D. Castano-Diez, B. Gipson, M. Arheit, X.-Y. Zeng, and H. Stahlberg, “3D Reconstruction from 2D Crystal Image and Diffraction Data,” Methods in Enzymology, vol. 482, Cryo-EM, part B, pp. 102-127, 2011
- -Y.Zeng, J.E. Glover, O. Hughes, and H. Stahlberg, “3D reconstruction of 2D Crystals,” in Proceedings of the 49th Annual Association for Computing Machinery Southeast Conference, March 2011.
- -Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, O. Hughes, and H. Stahlberg, “Preliminary Studies on Iterative Transform Algorithms for 3D Reconstruction of 2D Crystals,” in Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Mining, Chengdu, China, June 2010.
- -Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, and C.-X. Tao, “Denoising by Anisotropic Diffusion in ICA Subspace,” in Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Kyoto, Japan, September 2009.
- -Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, C.-X. Tao, and D. van Alphen, “Feature Selection using Recursive Feature Elimination for Handwritten Digit Recognition,” In Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Kyoto, Japan, September 2009.
- Gipson, -Y. Zeng, and H. Stahlberg, “2dx- Automated 3D structure reconstruction from 2D crystal data,” Microscopy and Microanalysis (supply. 2), pp. 1290-1291, 2008.
- -Y. Zeng, H. Stahlberg, and N. Grigorieff, “A maximum likelihood approach to two-dimensional crystals,” Journal of Structural Biology, vol. 160, pp.362-274, 2007.
- -Y. Zeng, B. Gibson, Z.-Y. Zhang, and H. Stahlberg, “Automatic Determination of Lattice for 2d Crystals,” Journal of Structural Biology, vol. 160, pp.353-361, 2007.
- -L. Chiu, M. Pagel, J. Evans, H.-T. Chou, X.-Y. Zeng, B. Gipson, H. Stahlberg, and C. Nimigean, “The structure of the prokaryotic cyclic nucleotide-modulated potassium channel MloK1 at 16A resolution,” Structure, vol. 15, no. 9, pp.1031-1039, 2007.
- Gibson,-Y. Zeng, Z.-Y. Zhang and H. Stahlberg, “2dx-User-friendly image processing for 2D crystals,” Journal of Structural Biology, vol.157, pp 64-72, 2007.
- -W. Chen, X.-Y. Zeng, and D. van Alphen, “Multi-class feature selection for texture classification,” Pattern Recognition Letters, vol.27, no.14, pp.1685-1691, 2006.
- -Y. Zeng and X.-W. Chen, “Pruning Based on SMO algorithm for Least Squares Support Vector Machines,” IEEE trans. on Neural Networks, vol.16, no.6, 2005.
- -Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, D. van Alphen and Z. Nakao, “Removal of Spatially Correlated Noise by Independent Component Analysis,” SPIE proceedings, No.5673, pp.99-105, 2005.
- X.-Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, D. van Alphen, and Z. Nakao, “Selection of ICA Features for Texture Classification,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, vol.3174, pp.262-267, 2005.
- Tateyama, Z. Nakao, X.-Y. Zeng, and Y. –W. Chen, “Segmentation of high resolution satellite images by direction and morphological filters,” in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2004.
- -Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, Z. Nakao and H.-Q. Lu, “Texture Representation Based on Pattern Map,” Signal Processing, vol. 84, no.3, pp.589-599, 2004
- -Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, Z. Nakao, J. Cheng and H.-Q. Lu, “Independent Component Analysis for Color Indexing,” The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan (IEICE), vol. E87-D no.4, pp. 997-1003, 2004.
- -Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, and Z. Nakao, “Classification of Remotely Sensed Images Using Independent Component Analysis and Spatial Consistency,” Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, vol.8, no.2, pp. 216-222, 2004.
- Cheng, Y.-W. Chen, H.Q. Lu, and X.–Y. Zeng, “A Spatial Weighted Color Histogram for Image Retrieval,” The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan (IEICE), vol. E87-D, no.1, pp.246-249, 2004.
- S. Zaman, Y.-W. Chen, X.-Y. Zeng, D.K. Kang, and H. Miyagi, “Construction of Graph-Structured GIS Road Map Using High-Resolution Satellite Image,” International Information Journal, Vol.7, 2004.
- -Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, Z. Nakao and H.-Q. Lu, “A New Texture Feature Based on PCA Pattern Maps and Its Application to Image Retrieval,” The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan (IEICE), vol. E80-D, no.5, pp. 929-936, 2003.
- X.-Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, and Z. Nakao, “Image Retrieval Based on Independent Components of Color Histogram,” Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, vol.2773, pp.1435-1442, 2003.
- Cheng, H.Lu, Y.-W. Chen, and X.-Y. Zeng, “Face Recognition Using Overcomplete Independent Component Analysis,” Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, vol.2773, pp.1443-1448, 2003.
- -W. Chen, X.-Y. Zeng, Z. Nakao and Hanqing Lu, “An ICA-based Illumination-Free Texture Model and Its Application to Image Retrieval,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, vol.2532, pp.167-174, 2002.
- -Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen and Z. Nakao, “Classification of Remote Sensing Images Using Spectral Independent Components,” Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies, Eds. E.Damiani, R.J.Howlett, L.C.Jain, N.Ichalkaranje, IOS Press, pp.1172-1176, 2002.
- Tateyama, Y.W.Chen, X.Y.Zeng, “A color, texture and shape fusion technique for segmentation of high-resolution satellite images”, Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies, Eds. E.Damiani, R.J.Howlett, L.C.Jain, N.Ichalkaranje, IOS Press, 2002.
- -Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, and Z. Nakao, “Image Feature Representation by the Subspace of Nonlinear PCA,” In Proceedings of 16th Int. conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), vol.2, pp.20228-20231, Quebec, Canada, August 2002.
- Y.-W. Chen, -Y. Zeng, and H.-Q. Lu, “Edge Detection and Texture Segmentation Based on Independent Component Analysis,” In Proceedings of 16th Int. conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), vol.3, pp.30351-30354, Quebec, Canada, August 2002.
- -Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, and Z. Nakao, “Texture Segmentation Based on Pattern Maps Obtained by Independent Component Analysis,” In Proceedings of 8th Int. Conf. on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), pp. 1058-1061, Shanghai, China, Nov. 2001.
- -W. Chen, X.-Y.Zeng, Z. Nakao, and H.-Q. Lu, “Edge Detection by Learning the Principal Components of Images,” In Proceedings of IEEE Int. Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing, pp.69-72, Hungary, May 2001.
- -Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen, and Z. Nakao, “Texture Segmentation Based on Pattern Maps Obtained by Principal Component Analysis,” In Proceedings of 2001 Int. Tech. Conf. Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC), Tokushima, Japan, July 2001.
- -Y. Zeng, Y.-W. Chen and Z. Nakao, “Signal Separation by Independent Component Analysis Based on a Genetic Algorithm,” In Proceedings of 5th Int. Conf. On Signal Processing (ICSP), pp.1688-1694, Beijing, China, August 2000.
- -W. Chen, X.-Y. Zeng and Z. Nakao, “Independent Component Analysis by Evolutionary Neural Networks,” Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Image Processing, Eds. N.M.Nasrabadi, SPIE Press, pp. 83-90, 2000.
- -W. Chen, X.-Y. Zeng and Z. Nakao, “A Hybrid Neural Network Approach of Backpropagation and Genetic Algorithm for Remotely Sensed Images,” In Proceedings of 5th Int. Conf. On Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), pp. 1402-1405, Kitakyushu, Japan, June 1998.