SEMAU Conference Registration

Registration for the 2024 SEMAU Conference is broken down into the following categories:

1st Delegation (up to 6 delegates) - $300.00
2nd Delegation up to 6 delegates) -$200.00
3rd and additional Delegations per delegation $150.00 per delegation (each) 
High School Delegation $150 per delegation
Observers $100.00 each      

Registration Deadline is October 16, 2024 

Dowload Registration Form 


Make Checks payable to: Fort Valley State University (Memo: SEMAU)
Scan and email your registration and payment information to: 

Mail Registration check to: 
Dr. Robert Dibie 
Director of SEMAU Conference
Office of Academic Affairs
Troup Building
Fort Valley State University 
1005 State University Drive 
Fort Valley, GA 31030


27th Annual Southeast Model African Union Registration

Please fill out the form below. Required fields are indicated with a * symbol. Thank you.

Address Line 1
Address Line 2


1st Delegation (up to 6 delegates) - $300.00
2nd Delegation up to 6 delegates) -$200.00
3rd and additional Delegations per delegation $150.00 per delegation (each) 
High School Delegation $150 per delegation
Observers $100.00 each                                     

Example: Robert Dibie - Security Committee

List of Committees

Committee on Democracy, Governance, and Human Rights

Technical Committee on Pan Africanism and Continental Unity 

Technical Committee on Economic Matters

Peace and Security Committee

Assembly of Heads of States and Governments

Mail Registration check to: 
Robert Dibie, Ph.D. 
Director of SEMAU Conference
Office of Academic Affairs
Troup Building
Fort Valley State University 
1005 State University Drive 
Fort Valley, GA 31030