Sarwan Dhir, Ph.D.
Department Chair/Head AC
College of Agriculture, Family Sciences and Technology

Sarwan Dhir, Ph.D.
Department Chair/Head AC
College of Agriculture, Family Sciences and Technology
- (478) 822-1057
- Plant Science
Sarwan K. Dhir: Ph.D., Professor (Plant Biotechnology, Tenured), Director-Center for Biotechnology, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, GA 31030; Office: 478-822-1057, 478-997-2048 (Cell): Email:;; Website:; Nationality: US Citizen
Education/Training: B.Sc., Biological Sciences (1979), M.Sc., Botany (1981), Ph.D., Botany (Plant Biotechnology, 1986) Jodhpur University, Jodhpur, India; Post-Doctoral Fellow: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1989-1991), Monsanto Agricultural Company, St. Louis, MO (1992-1994).
Professional Experience
Fort Valley State University (Post-Doctoral Fellow): 09/1995 – 07/2001
Major Accomplishments:
Conducted research on sweet potato genetic transformation, co-PI on 10 externally funded grants, assisted in recruitment of minority high school and collegiate students in STEM disciplines spoke at high schools and colleges referencing opportunities in agricultural biotechnology. I also directed a research project related to excellence in applied community scholarship and served on two committees: curriculum, and advising. Coordinated and supervised the Summer Research Apprenticeship Program for high school agricultural and science based undergraduates minority students funded by Kellogg Foundation, conducted the workshops for high school students and science teachers in plant biotechnology, my teaching assignments included classes in Plant Biotechnology, Plant Breeding and research methods while serving on three committees: curriculum, teaching effectiveness, and advising.
Fort Valley State University (Assistant-Associate-Tenured Full Professor): 08/2001- Present
Major Accomplishments:
Developed Plant Science-Biotechnology major undergraduate degree program and currently teaching seven newly developed courses, Provided leadership role to develop “Center for Biotechnology” with state-of-the-art plant biotechnology labs primarily with external funded grants to support undergraduate STEM programs, Oversaw the redesign of the academic plant science curriculum to incorporate pedagogy, information technology and hands-on lab work, Served as a principal investigator for competitively funded NSF, USDA, and DOE undergraduate teaching and research programs on STEM and K-12 programs, Served as Program Director for NSF-HBCU-UP, NSF-REU-Site in biotechnology, and S-STEM funded programs at FVSU since 2001, Provided hands-on training to scientists from developing countries (Kenya, Bulgaria, and Philippines) under USDA/FAS Cochran Fellowship Program, Provided hands-on training to minority undergraduates, high school students and science teachers in genetic engineering and plant tissue culture. Commentator on genetic engineering, agricultural biotechnology, undergraduate research, teaching and mentoring program through newsletters and as invited speaker. In addition to teaching classes in Plant Science Biotechnology program, I was engaged in committee work related to academic programs, curriculum development, program evaluation and assessment, recruitment and retention of students, and advisement.
Director Center for Biotechnology: 08/2001- Present
Major Accomplishments:
Program Director, NSF-HBCU-UP funded Summer Research Apprenticeship Program for High School students, NSF-REU-Site; and S-STEM Programs (2006). Provided leadership in setting up in research infrastructure enhancement, report preparation, administration and evaluation of programs, policies and budgets needed to accomplish scientific research objectives. Established collaborations with major research institutions to place FVSU for summer internships and graduate and professional schools. Supervised students participating in REU and SRAP and K-12 programs, secured external funds to place more than +500 students in summer internship programs at major institution, federal labs and industries. Established and maintained positive relationships with school administrators, counselors, teachers, parents, and students. Secured external funds and served as faculty mentor for more than +600 students to prepare their research project abstracts and present posters or oral presentations throughout the year at scientific meetings. Served as a research mentor for more than fifty middle/high school students and helped them to develop science fair projects for presentation at national and international science fair competitions. Secured external funds from NSF and USDA to provide 80 STEM undergraduate scholarships at campus level ($4,000/ year for maximum of four years). Oversaw and mentored the professional development of members of the Center for Biotechnology comprised of post-doc, four research assistants, project coordinator and 8-10 undergraduate student leaders.
Plant Science-Biotechnology Program Coordinator: 08/2004-present
Major Accomplishments:
Since its inception in 2004, a total of 127 students have graduated from the program and entered in professional schools or STEM workforce. Eighteen graduates were honored and awarded National Role Models Awards at Annual National Role Models Conference by Minority Access, Inc. due to their high academic achievements. Currently 60+ students are enrolled in the MS and or Ph.D. program. Established the requirement for students to conduct summer research internship at major research institution, federal labs or industry and make presentation at national scientific conference before graduation. Coordinated and oversaw accurate participant databases for reports, program assessments and program improvement plans, and reviewed the balance sheets and Degree Map for all plant science major students. Developed program recruitment material, advertising, internal communication, grants and other administrative tasks, participated in College New Student Programs, served as a contact and resource person for parents and prospective students. Enrollment has increased from 15 to 58 in the Plant Science Biotechnology program over the ten years at the undergraduate level and program is the largest agricultural program at a HBCU in the country.
Director-Undergraduate Research Program: 08/2013- 03/2015
Major Accomplishments:
Working with the President, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Deans to establish the mission statement, goals and objectives for the Undergraduate Research Program. Developed and oversaw programs aimed at recruiting faculty and students to undergraduate research activities. Planed and oversaw the campus undergraduate research conference, participated in the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) activities on a regional and national level, managed resources for student conference participation and travel. Developed suitable newsletters, media, publicity events, and web content, and collaborate with faculty and administration to obtain external funding to support undergraduate research programs, including those targeted to underrepresented students. Presented classroom lectures on undergraduate research opportunities, grant writing, and related topics when requested.
Professor and Chairperson, Department of Agricultural Science 12/2016- Present
Major Accomplishments:
As the professor and chairperson of the Department of Agricultural Science, I focused my energies on providing a supportive and invigorating teaching and learning environment as a platform to combine five undergraduate and two graduate academic programs into a well-defined unit with a shared mission and vision directed at preparing students to be highly competitive in applied economics, plant & animal biotechnology, and food science. My energies were also focused on academic planning and curriculum development; program evaluation and assessment; research and scholarship; extension, outreach and service; recruitment and retention of students; recruitment, retention, evaluation and professional development of faculty and staff; and partnering strategically with other academic units in the school, university and beyond.
Distinguished Awards and Honors:
- 2005-Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) at White House by President George Bush, Washington, November 16, 2005.
- 2017 Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Mentor and Faculty by Minority Access’ National Role Models Conference, 01/10.
- 2013 Male Faculty Member of the Year by the Center for HBCU Media Advocacy, Inc. The Center for HBCU Media Advocacy, Inc., Bowie State University, April 20, 2012.
- 2009-2017 Certificate of Recognition for Research and Grantsmanship by Office of Sponsored Programs, at FVSU Spring Recognition Day, April.
- 2008 – Million Dollar Club Award Recognition by Office of Sponsored Programs, FVSU Spring Recognition Program, April 24, 2008.
- 2008–Best Faculty Advisor and Mentor Recognition by Plant Science – Biotechnology students at the Agri-Demic Forum, FVSU, April 25, 2008.
- 2007-Outstanding Grantsmanship Awards from FVSU President Larry E. Rivers and Dr. Erroll B. Davis Jr., Chancellor of the University System of Georgia, May 7, 2007.
- 2006-Outstanding Mentoring Award at the 7th Annual NSF HBCU-UP National Research Conference, February 9-12, 2006, Bowie State University, Baltimore, Maryland.
- 2006- Fort Valley State University-National Alumni Outstanding Services Award.
- 2005-National Role Models Award for Teaching Faculty, by Minority Access Inc. September 11-14, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- 2005- J. W. Davidson: Outstanding Teaching Excellence Award at FVSU May 7.
- 2005- Excellence Mentoring Award for Undergraduate at the 6th Annual NSF HBCU-UP National Research Conference, February 10, 2005 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
- 2003-Distinguish Service Award from In Vitro Biology Society.
- Sarwan Dhir, Celia Dodd, Seema Dhir, Teresa Shakespeare: Summer Research Program for Undergraduate in Biotechnology, $351,810 NSF- DBI, (Pending).
- Sarwan Dhir: Academic Opportunities through Recruitment, Retention & Mentoring for Undergraduate Minorities in Biotechnology & Forensic Science: NSF-DUE, $99.000 (Pending).
- Sarwan Dhir: The Multicultural Scholars Program at Fort Valley State University. NIFA/MSP, $180,000 (Pending).
- Sarwan Dhir: Academic Opportunities through Recruitment, Retention & Mentoring for Undergraduate Minorities in Biotechnology: NSF-DUE, $999,890 (Pending).
- Sarwan Dhir: Collaborative Research: NSF INCLUDES: An Integrated Approach to Retain Underrepresented Minority Students in STEM Disciplines. NSF INCLUDE, S30, 590: 09/2016-08/2018.
- Sarwan Dhir & Tiffany Holmes: HBCU-UP Targeted Infusion: Interdisciplinary Bioenergy Undergraduate Research and Instruction Program at FVSU: NSF-HRD, $398,208, 09/2013 – 08/2018.
- Sarwan Dhir: Academic Opportunities through Recruitment, Retention & Mentoring for Undergraduate Minorities in Biotechnology & Forensic Science: NSF-DUE, $627,240, 07/2013 -08/2018.
- Sarwan Dhir: Developing Transgenic Alfalfa Plants for Edible Vaccine Production, NIFA, $165,000; 08/ 2016- 07/2020.
- Sarwan Dhir (PD), Larry E. Rivers, Julius Scipio, Melinda Davis, Seema Dhir: Interdisciplinary Experience for Undergraduates in Science, Math. Engineering & Technology (STEM), NSF HRD HBCU-UP, $2.652224 (06/2007 – 04/2014).
- Sarwan Dhir: Summer Research Program for Undergraduates in Biotechnology, NSF- DBI, $322,000 (04/2010 – 09/2014).
- Sarwan Dhir: Student STEM Research Travel, Title III Department of Education, $30,000 (09/2013).
- Sarwan Dhir, Developing Undergraduate Curriculum and Experimental learning in Plant Genomics at FVSU, NIFA/CSREES Capacity Building Grant, $197,791, (09/2007-08/2012).
- Sarwan Dhir. Melinda Davis, Seema Dhir, Julius Scipio: Scholarship Program in Science, Math. Engineering & Technology (STEM), NSF DUE-S-STEM, $484,400, (07/2006 – 08/2011).
- Sarwan Dhir: Enhancement of Student Recruitment and Retention in Agricultural Biotechnology, NIFA/CSREES Capacity building grant, $199,334, (09/2006 – 08/2010).
- Seema Dhir, Melinda Davis, Sarwan Dhir: Implementation of Plant Genomics into the Undergraduate Curriculum, NSF HBCU-UP TIP, $149,256, (09/2006 – 08/2011).
- Sarwan Dhir: Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) Award, NSF HRD- PAESMEM, $10,000, (12/2005 – 08/2007).
- Sarwan Dhir: Summer Research Program for Undergraduates in Biotechnology, NSF DBI REU- Site, $262,000, (04/2004 – 04/2008).
- Sarwan Dhir, Kofi Lomotey: Strengthening Undergraduate Preparation in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology. NSF HRD HBCU-UP, $2,475,558, 09/2001 – 04/2007
- Sarwan Dhir: LI-COR Plant Genomics Matching Fund Grant to purchase DNA Sequencer, $42,500.
- Sarwan Dhir: Strengthening the recruitment and retention of students in agricultural biotechnology, USDA/ CSREES Capacity Building grants, $199,920, (09/2002 – 08/2005).
- Sarwan Dhir: Strengthening agricultural biotechnology programs at FVSU, USDA/CSREES Capacity Building grants, $179,420 (09/2001 – 08/2004).
- Sarwan Dhir: Summer Research Program for Undergraduates in Biotechnology, National Science Foundation. NSF REU-Site, $175,280 (04/2001 – 05/2004).
- Sarwan Dhir: Strengthening Biotechnology Research Program in Agricultural Sciences, Department of Education, $48,380 (2000-2001).
- Sarwan Dhir: Introducing/instructional biotechnology programs at FVSU, USDA/CSREES Capacity Building grants, $179,420 (09/2001 – 08/2004).
- Sarwan Dhir: Identification and Screening of Phytoremediation Plants in Georgia. FVSU/UGA Collaborative Project $2,500.
- Sarwan Dhir: User-friendly genomics enabling tools to reduce the environmental impact of cotton production. Paterson, (University of Georgia), Dhir SK. The Consortium of Plant Biotechnology Resh. Inc. EPA. $310,354.
- Sarwan Dhir: Graduate education in biological science at Iowa State University and FVSU. Chitins P, Dhir NSF. $28,000.
- Sarwan Dhir: Automatic DNA Sequencer. Mercer University and FVSU, Funded, USDA Higher Education Challenge Grant Program. $25,000, L. Adkison and SK. Dhir.
- Sarwan Dhir (Co-PI): Increasing starch contents in sweet potato using genetic engineering. USDA/CSREES Capacity Building grants, $267,760 (1996-1999).
- Sarwan Dhir (Co-PI): Bacillus thuringiensis genes for developing insect resistance (Cyclas formicarius) in sweet USDA/CSREES Capacity Building grants, $297, 000 (1997-2000).
- Sarwan Dhir: Enhancement of food systems education among high school students. Kellogg Foundation (SOFSEC), ($30,000) (1997-2000).
- Sarwan Dhir: Phase II of Agri-science and Technology Teaching Lab. Dr. Curtis Borne and SK Dhir, USDA/CSREES Capacity Building grants, $77,000.
- Sarwan Dhir: Internships as a tool for strengthening food systems education for undergraduates. ($30,000), Kellogg Foundation (SOFSEC), 12/96 to 11/00.
- Sarwan Dhir: Sweet potato Improvement through genetic engineering. USDA/CSREES, $100,000.
Plenary Invited Presentations at Professional-Society Meetings:
- Speaker and Session Chair at the 4th. Plant Genomics Congress: May 9-10, 2016, London, UK.
- Undergraduate Research Experience: A Pathway to Higher Education at Thurgood Marshall College Funds 15th. Annual STEAM Conference, April 13-16, 2014, Atlanta.
- Keynote speaker: Presentation on –Advances in Biotechnology at the XXII Undergraduate Research Symposium, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Sept, 2012.
- Speaker at the Lessons for Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Learned from the NSF Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP) and Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) Program (TCUP) at NSF on “Developing Technology-based Degree Program & Curriculum Plant Biotechnology”, March 14-16, 2010 in Arlington, Virginia.
- Speaker at the 2009 HBCU-UP National Research Conference, on- Developing Technology- Based Degree Program & Curriculum Plant Biotechnology, Washington, D.C. October 29-November 1, 2009.
- Keynote speaker: on –Advances in Biotechnology at the XX Undergraduate Research Symposium, San Juan, Puerto Rico, September, 11-12, 2009.
- Speaker at the University of the Virgin Islands for the NSF HBCU-UP and NIH MARC Program, made presentation on “What is Biotechnology?” February 22, 2008.
- Speaker at the PD Research Conference/Workshop: Expanding Plant Biotechnology Training and Research Opportunities for Undergraduates, Washington, D.C. on August 4-6, 2008.
- Speaker at the XIX Undergraduate Research Symposium, San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Impact of Biotechnology in Society and Career Research Opportunities for Undergraduates, September 12-13, 2008.
- Keynote speaker at Albany State University’s Biotechnology Day, Albany, Georgia presentation on “The Biotechnology Revolution: Impact and Opportunity for Undergraduates” on November 18, 2008.
- Speaker at Houston County High School, Warner Robins, Georgia, made an oral presentation on “Biotech/GMO” for an AP Environmental Science Class on November 17, 2008.
- Plenary Speaker at Calder Summer Undergraduate Research (CSUR-REU) Symposium, Fordham University, NY made presentation on “A Way to Enhance Undergraduate Recruitment & Retention in Biological Science”, August 16, 2007.
- Speaker at University of Arizona, NIH MARC Seminar Series speaker, Crop Improvement using genetic engineering techniques, March 1, 2004.
- Speaker at Symposium organized by NSF/USDA Plant Genome, Plant & Animal Genomics XII meeting, San Diego, CA, January 10,
Professional Service and Training:
- Peer Panel Review members for federal agencies and Foundations:
- National Science Foundation (NSF) programs: HRD (HBCU-UP, CREST, PASEMEM, TCUP); DUE: (S-STEM, STEP, Robert Noyce Scholarship Program, TUES); BDI-BIO (REU-Site, MRI), Division of Graduate Education (DGE): GREP
- USDA/NIFA programs: Plant Genomics, USDA 1890 Capacity Building, Higher Education Challenge Grant, International Science Education, Multicultural Scholar and National Graduate Fellowship Program.
- Department of Education: MSEIP, McNair, Graduate Assistance in Area of National Need Program (GAANN), HIS-STEM, TRIO SSS programs.
- Department of Home Land Security (DHS): S-STEM program
- Department of Energy (DOE): Biomass Research Development
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Undergraduate fellowship program
- Serving as the manuscript reviewer for the following national and international journals: In Vitro Cell & Development Biology, Plant Cell Rep, and Plant Cell Tissue & Organ Culture, African J. Biotech.
Scientific Journal Articles:
- Norris A, Dhir SK (2017). High Frequency Plant Regeneration from Axillary Shoot in Moringa oleifera, Submitted (American Journal Plant Science).
- Lopez-Arelano Marisol, Dhir Seema, Colon Albino Nilmarie, Santiago Anais, Morris Terrica, Williams Alicia, Dhir Sarwan (2014). Somatic Embryogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration from Protoplast Culture of Stevia rebaudiana. (British Biotechnology Journal, Volume 5, pp 1-12).
- Dhir SK, Knowles K, Livia C. Pagan, Mann J, Shireen Dhir (2010). Optimization and Transformation of Arundo donax Using Particle Bombardment, African J. Biotechnology Vol. 9(39): 6460-6469.
- Dhir S.K., Singh H.P., Dhir S. (2008). Sweet Potato: In the Transgenic and Molecular Tailoring in Plants, Transgenic Series, Pulses, Sugar and Tuber Crops, Vol. 3, Blackwell Publishing, (eds.) Chitta R. Kole, Ralph Scorza and Timothy C. Hall, pp, 157-175.
- Singh H.P., Dhir S., Dhir S.K. (2008). Stevia: In the Transgenic and Molecular Tailoring in Plants, Transgenic Series, Pulses, Sugar and Tuber Crops, Vol. 3, Blackwell Publishing, (eds.) Chitta R. Kole, Ralph Scorza and Timothy C. Hall, pp, 97-115.
- Winfield S, Lawton R, Daniell H, Dhir SK. Transformation of sweet potato tissues using green fluorescent protein genes. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Bio. Plant. 37: 648-653, 2001.
- Lawton R, Winfield S, Daniell H, Bhagsari AS, Dhir SK. Expression of green fluorescent protein genes in sweet potato tissues. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 18:1-9, 2000.
- Dhir SK, In vitro regeneration and genetic transformation of sweet potato. Plant Genetic Engineering Vol. 3: Improvement of Commercial crops,
- Dhir SK, Oglesby J, Bhagsari AS. Plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis and transient gene expression in sweet potato protoplasts. Plant Cell Rep 17: 665-669, 1998.
- Mitchell TD, Bhagsari AS, Ozias-Akins P, Dhir SK, Electroporation-mediated transient
gene expression in intact cells of sweet potato. In Vitro Deve Bio-Plant, 34:319-324, 1998. - Maheshwari N, Rajyalakshmi R, Baweja R, Dhir SK, Maheshwari SC. In vitro culture of wheat and genetic transformation-retrospect and prospect. Crit Rev in Plant Sciences 14 (2)149-179, 1996.
- Dhir SK, Pajeau ME, Fromm ME, Fry JE. Anthocyanin genes as visual markers for wheat In: Henry RT and Ronald, JA (eds.), Improvement of Cereal Quality by Genetic Engineering. Plenum Press, NY, pp. 71-75, 1994.
Selected Presentations at Scientific Meetings:
- Bandon Beaty, Sarwan Dhir (2014). High Frequency Axillary Shoot Multiplication and Plant Regeneration in Valeriana officinalis: A Rare Medicinal Plant. Oral Presentation at the 4th Annual International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology (BIOTECH 2014), Dubai, March 10-11. Won 1st. Place Award
- Sarwan Dhir (2013) An experimental assessment of the factors influencing Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation in Valeria (Valeriana officinalis). Poster Presentation at 2nd Biotechnology World Congress: Biotechnology Conference…A Step Ahead, Dubai. February 18-21, PO-58, pp.57
- Ashley Norris and Sarwan Dhir (2013). High Frequency Plant Regeneration from Axillary Shoot in Moringa oleifera. Oral Presentation at the Association of 1890 Research Directors, Inc. (ARD) 17th Biennial Research Symposium, Jacksonville, FL, April 6-10, Won 1st. Place Award.
- Shericka Williams, Key’erra Rozier, Sarwan Dhir (2013) An efficient plant regeneration protocol from hypocotyl and leaf explants of alfalfa. Poster Presentation at Association of 1890 Research Directors (ARD), Inc. 17th Biennial Research Symposium, Jacksonville, FL. April 6-10, P433 pp. 173, Won 1st. Place Award.
- Michael Melvin and Sarwan Dhir (2013). Plant Regeneration and Genetic Transformation in Arundo donax Using Particle Bombardment. Oral Presentation at the Association of 1890 Research Directors, Inc. (ARD) 17th Biennial Research Symposium, Jacksonville, FL, April 6-10, Won 2nd. Place Award.
- Alicia Williams and Sarwan Dhir (2013). Factors Influencing Electroporation-mediated Gene Transfer to Stevia rebaudiana Poster Presentation at the Third Annual Research Day, Fort Valley, GA, April 11, Won 1st. Place Award
- Derrick Williams, Jr. and Sarwan Dhir (2013). Agrobacterium-mediated Genetic Transformation in Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana). Oral Presentation at the 2013 Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM, Washington, D.C., February 28-March 2. Won 1st. Place Award.
- Jewelle Ible, Sarwan Dhir (2010). Nuclear Transformation of Valeriana Using Biolistic Gun for Transient Expression. Oral Presentation at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), Charlotte, North Carolina, November 10-13. Won 3rdt. Place Award
- Katy Sanon, Seema Dhir, and Sarwan Dhir (2010). Optimization of Agrobacterium-mediated Genetic Transformation in Valeria (Valeriana officinalis). Oral Presentation at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), Charlotte, North Carolina, November 10-13. Won 1st. Place Award.
- Nilmarie Colón Albino, Alicia Williams, and Sarwan Dhir (2010). Electroporation-mediated DNA Expression into Stevia rebaudiana Protoplasts. Poster Presentation at the 2010 Society for Advancement of Chicanos & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) National Conference, Charlotte Anaheim, California, September 30-October 3, First Place Award.
- Jewelle Ible, Amit Dhingra, and Sarwan Dhir (2010). Nuclear Transformation of Valeriana Using Biolistic Gun for Transient Expression. Oral Presentation at the University of Virgin Islands Twelfth Annual Fall Research Symposium, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, February 26. Won 1st. Place Award.
- Katy Sanon, Seema Dhir, and Sarwan Dhir (2010). Optimization of Agrobacterium-mediated Genetic Transformation in Valeria (Valeriana officinalis). Oral Presentation at the University of Virgin Islands Twelfth Annual Fall Research Symposium, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, February 26. Won 1st. Place Award
- Porscha Bumpus and Sarwan Dhir (2010). Plant Regeneration and Genetic Transformation of Stevia rebudiana using Particle Bombardment. Poster Presentation at Georgia BIO: Georgia Life Sciences Summit 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, October, 28. Won 1st. Place Award
- Keeona Lawrence and Seema Dhir (2010). Plant Regeneration from Explants and Efficient Agrobacterium Tumefaciens-Mediated Transformation of Alfalfa. Poster Presentation at Georgia BIO: Georgia Life Sciences Summit 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, October 28. Won 1st. Place Award.
- Keeona Lawrence, Sarwan Dhir, and Seema Dhir (2010). Efficient Agrobacterium Tumefaciens-Mediated Transformation of Alfalfa Using Leaf Explant Regeneration System. Oral Presentation at ASA, CSSA, and SSSA 2010 International Annual Meetings, Long Beach, California, October 31-November 3. Won 1st. Place Award
- Dhir Sarwan (2008). Expanding Plant Genomics Training and Research Opportunities for Undergraduates, Poster presentation at American Society of Plant Biologist, June 26-July 1, Mérida, Mexico, # P01012.
- Dhir Sarwan, Singh Hari P, Dhir Seema (2008). Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in Valeriana officinalis: a medicinal plant, Poster #presentation at American Society of Plant Biologist, June 26-July 1, Mérida, Mexico.
- Dhir Sarwan (2008). Genetic transformation in Arundo donax using particle bombardment: A biofuel plant, Poster presentation at Pan American Congress on Plants and Bio-Energy meeting, June 23-June 26, Mérida, Mexico, #
- Howard T, Singh H, Dhir SK (2008). High Frequency Plant Regeneration in Valeriana officinalis via Somatic Embryogenesis. Poster Presentation at 2008 HBCU-UP National Research Conference, Atlanta, GA. October 23-26, Won 2nd Place Award in the Biological Sciences.
- White T, Singh H, Dhir SK (2007). Effect of growth regulators on somatic embryogenesis of Poster presentation at NIS/Beta Kappa Chi Scientific Honor Society Conference, Greensboro, NC March 12-15. 3rd place award
- Sims A, Dhir SK (2006). Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in Stevia rebaudiana, poster presentation at the NSF HBCU-UP Conference in Baltimore, MD, Feb. 9-13, 2nd place award.
- Mims J, Knowles K, Dhir SK (2006). Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from Valerian {Valerian officinalis)s: A medicinal plant, poster presentation at the Annual ARD Conference in Atlanta, GA April 1-9, 1st-place award.
- Shireen Dhir, Knowles K, Dhir SK (2005) Regeneration and Cloning of Stevia Plant: A Low Caloric Sweetener, presented at NSF HBCU-UP Conference, New Orleans, LA. March 10-13, Awarded 1st place.
- Moore D, Kozareva I., Cantliffe D.J, Dhir SK. (2004). Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Lettuce Variety Everglades. Poster presentation at NIS/Beta Kappa Chi Scientific Honor Society Conference 2004. Houston, Texas March 24-27, 2004. Awarded 3rd place.
- Lester A, K. Knowles, Dhir SK (2004) GFP Expression in Arundo donax using Particle Poster presentation at NSF HBCU-UP Conference 2004. Greensboro, NC. February 26-28, 2004. Awarded 3rd place.
- Knowles K, Shaherah Williams. (2003). Factors Affecting Genetic Transformation Using Biolistic Gene Gun and Selection of Transgenic Tissues in Alfalfa. Oral presentation at Universidad Metropolitana XIV Undergraduate Research Symposium 203. San Juan, Puerto October 24-25, 2003. Awarded 1st place.
- Silvagnoli W, Dhir SK. (2003) Genetic Transformation in Arundo donax L. Using Microprojectile Bombardment. Oral presentation at Universidad Metropolitana XIV Undergraduate Research Symposium 203. San Juan, Puerto Rico. October 24-25, 2003, Won 1st. Place Award
- Muniz K, Dhir SK, (2003). Genetic Transformation in coli. Optimization of Various Parameters. Poster presentation at Universidad Metropolitana XIV Undergraduate Research Symposium 203. San Juan, Puerto Rico. October 24-25, 2003, Won 1st. Place Award
- Knowles, K Dhir, S, Dhir, SK (2002). Plant regeneration and transformation using microprojectile bombardment in Stevia rebaudiana, Oral presentation at NSF HBCU-UP National Research Conference, Nov. 22-24, 2002, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, and AL. Awarded 1st place.
- Colon CM, Dhir S, Knowles K, Dhir SK. (2002). Optimization of parameters for Stevia transformation using microprojectile bombardment. Oral Presentation at XIII Undergraduate Research symposium 2002, Oct. 18-20, San Juan, PR. Awarded 2nd place.
- Poole S, Chen LH, Bhagsari AS, Regland M, Dhir SK. Long-term expression of GUS gene in sweet potato transformed plants using particle bombardment. Presented at ARD 12th Biennial Research Symposium, Washington DC, April, 19-21, 2000. Awarded 2nd Place. 121.
- Oliver A, Chen LH, Park SO, Bhagsari AS, Regland M, Dhir SK. Analysis and optimization of DNA delivery into sweet potato protoplasts by electroporation. At ARD 12th Biennial Research Symposium, Washington DC, April 19-21, 2000. Best Presentation Award: Travel Grant. 120-121.
- Shah M, Dhir SK. Introduction of vaccine genes in tomato. Presented at 2000 World In Vitro Biology Congress, San Diego, CA, and June 10-15, 2000. Best Presentation Award: Travel Grant Pp
- Knowles K, Brown C, Bhagsari AS, Dhir SK. Plant regeneration and micro projectile-mediated gene transfer in embryonic callus of sweet potato. At 56th Annual Beta Kappa Chi Meeting, Nashville, TN, April 1-4, 2000. Undergraduate Student Oral Presentation Competition. Pp. 44. Won 1st. Place Award
- Oglesby J, Bhagsari AS, Dhir SK. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration form leaf-derived callus of sweet potato [Ipomoea batatas (Lam.)]. At 55th Annual Beta Kappa Chi Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, April 2-5, 1999. Awarded 1st Place in Undergraduate Student Oral Presentation Competition. Pp. 7.
- Lawton R, Bhagsari AS, Dhir SK. Expression of the green fluorescent protein gene in sweet potato tissue using micro projectile bombardment. At 55th Annual Beta Kappa Chi Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, April 2-5, 1999. Awarded 2nd Place in Undergraduate Student Oral Presentation Competition. 11.
- Winfield S, Dhir SK, Varma S, Daniell H, Bhagsari SK. Expression of green fluorescent protein as a reporter gene in sweet potato transformation. Congress on In Vitro Biology, Las Vegas, NV, May 30- June 3, 1998. Best Presentation Award: Travel Grant. Pp SP 1001:8.
Membership in Professional Organizations:
- Council of Undergraduate Research
- Beta Kappa Scientific Honor Society
- Society for In vitro Biology, Program Committee member,
- International Society of Plant Molecular Biology, Member, 2000-Present
Service to the University and Community:
- Member, Committee for Student Evaluation, and Scholarship.
- Member, Admission Committee for Student.
- Member, Scholarship Committee for Student.
- Chair Undergraduate Research Programs
- Member, Search Committee for Dean, College of Agriculture Home Econ. & Allied Program, 2000, 2009, 2011.
- Promotion and Tenure
- Member, Search Committee for Associate Dean-Research, College of Agri. Home Eco. & Allied Programs.
- Member Institutional Promotion and Tenure committee
- Member, Plant Science Program, MS Degree proposal development group.
- Member, Academic classroom and laboratory graduate building committee.
Dissemination of Program Activities:
· Dr. Thelma Madzima, Assistant Professor, University of Washington, Bothell.
· FVSU Alum Spotlight: Safira Sutton, PhD student at University of Georgia:
· FVSU Alumni Spotlight: Betsy Ampofo, PhD student at Cornell University, January 13, 2014.
- Brandon Beaty currently is graduate student at FVSU in Biotechnology Program
- Noel Matthews-Gardner: professor at Hinds Community College:
- Lillian Oglesby currently works the front-line at the USDA/ARS in Fort Pierce, Fla.
Internships, Experiential Research & Conferences Attendance:
Mentorship Program activities to middle and high school students:
- Dhir S.K., Knowles K, Livia C. Pagan, Mann J, Shireen Dhir, Singh HP (2010). Optimization and Transformation of Arundo donax L. Using Particle Bombardment. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9 (39), pp. 6460-6469, 27 September.
- Dhir S.K., Singh H.P., Dhir S. (2008). Sweet Potato: In the Transgenic and Molecular Tailoring in Plants, Transgenic Series, Pulses, Sugar and Tuber Crops, Vol. 3, Blackwell Publishing, (eds.) Chitta R. Kole, pp, 157-175.
- Singh H.P., Dhir S., Dhir S.K. (2008). Stevia: In the Transgenic and Molecular Tailoring in Plants, Transgenic Series, Pulses, Sugar and Tuber Crops, Vol. 3, Blackwell Publishing, (eds.) Chitta R. Kole, et al. pp, 97-115.