Celia Dodd, Ph.D.

PROF/UG Research Director

College of Arts and Sciences

Celia Dodd

Celia Dodd, Ph.D.

PROF/UG Research Director

College of Arts and Sciences

University Directory


Department: Biology

Position: Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor of Biology at Fort Valley State University (2012-present)

Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Georgia (2009-2012)


PhD, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences

Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine

Virginia Tech


BIO 1101 Introduction to Biology                          ZOO 3234 Embryology

BIO 1104 Human Biology for Non- Majors         ZOO 4294 Vertebrate Physiology

BIO 1107 Principles of Biology I                            BIO 4111 Special Project

BIO 3223 Cell and Molecular Biology                  BIO 4343 Senior Project


My research interests include understanding the link between neurological diseases and environmental exposures. I have focused on the neurotoxic effects of pesticides, metals, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers. I am especially interested in evaluating and identifying compounds that target the developing nervous system resulting in motor and cognitive disorders that manifest post development, including, but not limited to ADHD and Parkinson’s disease.


Lin Z, Dodd, C.A., Xiao S, Ye X, and Filipov, N.M., “ Gestational and Lactational Exposure to Atrazine via Drinking Water Cause Specific Behavioral Deficits and Selectively Alters Monoaminergic Systems in C57BL/6 Mouse Dams, Juvenile and Adult Offspring.” Toxicological Sciences, 2014.

Krishna S, Dodd, C.A., Hekmatyar, S. K., & Filipov, N.M., “Brain deposition and neurotoxicity of manganese in adult mice exposed via the drinking water.” Archives of Toxicology. 2014, 47-64.

Lin Z, Dodd, C.A., Filipov, N.M., “Short-Term atrazine exposure cause behavioral deficits and disrupts monaminergic systems in male C57BL/6 mice.” Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2013, 26-35.

Lin Z, Dodd, C.A., Filipov, N.M., “Differentiation state-dependent effects of in vitro exposure to atrazine or its metabolite diaminochlorotriazine in a dopaminergic cell line.” Life Science. 2013, 81-90.

Dodd, C.A., Bloomquist, J.R., & Klein, B.G., “Consequences of manganese administration for striatal dopamine and motor behavior in 1-methyl- 4-phenyl- 1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine- exposed C57BL/6 mice.” Human and Experimental Toxicology. 2013, 865-80.

Filipov, N.M. & Dodd, C.A., “Role of Glial Cells in Manganese Neurotoxicity”, Journal of Applied Toxicology. Review. 2012, 310-7.

Dodd, C.A. & Filipov, N.M. “Manganese Potentiates LPS-Induced Heme-Oxygenase 1 in Microglia but not Dopaminergic Cells: Role in Controlling Microglial Hydrogen Peroxide and Inflammatory Cytokine Output” Neurotoxicology, 2011, 683-92.

Dodd, C.A., & Klein, B. G., “Pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticide exposure in the 1-methyl- 4- phenyl-1,2,3,6- tetrahydropyridine mouse model of Parkinson’s disease: An immunohistochemical analysis of tyrosine hydroxylase and glial fibrillary acidic protein in dorsolateral striatum” , Toxicology and Industrial Health, 2009, 25-39.

Dodd, C.A., Ward, D.A, & Klein, B.G. “Basal Ganglia Accumulation and Motor Assessment Following Manganese Chloride Exposure in the C57BL/6 Mouse”, International Journal of Toxicology, 2005, 389-397