Bipul Biswas, Ph.D.
Research Associate Professor
College of Agriculture, Family Sciences and Technology

Bipul Biswas, Ph.D.
Research Associate Professor
College of Agriculture, Family Sciences and Technology
- (478) 825-6827
- Biotechnology (Master of Science)
Graduate Faculty and Research
Assistant Professor
MS Biotechnology Program
Doctor of Philosophy: Plant Biotechnology - Delhi University, Delhi, India (2001)
Ph. D. Research in Biotechnology, Department of Botany
Master of Philosophy: Plant Biotechnology - Delhi University, Delhi, India (1994)
M. Phil. Research in Biotechnology, Department of Botany
Master of Science: Genetics - Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh (1991)
M. S. in Genetics, Research in Biotechnology, Department of Genetics and Breeding
Bachelor of Science (Honors): Botany (Zoology and Chemistry) - Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
B. S. in Botany (Honors), Minor in Chemistry and Zoology
2/2015-present: Assistant Professor, College of Agriculture, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, University System of Georgia, Georgia, USA.
9/2011-1/2015: Research Manager, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, University System of Georgia, Georgia, USA.
12/2002-8/2011: Research Professional, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, University System of Georgia, Georgia, USA.
4/2000-11/2002: Research associate, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), Pusa Campus, New Delhi, INDIA.
Conducting research on ‘Specialty Plants/‘Bioactive Plants’, Peach research for short life (PTSL) study, Stevia research in Georgia, Urban Agriculture/Hydroponics study,
Developing Hi-Tech Farming/’Agbot’, using Tissue culture and Chromatography/HPLC.
1. Sylvia Chirchir, MS Thesis. 2017. Approaches to Mitigate Peach Tree Short Life Syndrome Using Best Management Practices and Plant Biotechnology.
2. Sierra Birmingham, MS Thesis. 2016. Investigating various multiplication and production methods for stevia.
3. Agnes Kapsoiyo, MS Thesis. 2016. In vitro and In vivo Study of Selected Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) Germplasm.
4. Moniece McKinney, MS Thesis. 2015. Investigating Morphogenic Responses of Local Peach Cultivars and Rootstocks.
5. India Brown, MS Thesis. 2015. Investigating Seed Germination and Genetic Analysis of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni.
6. Shomari Johnson, MS Thesis.2014. Investigating Stevia Germplasm and the Production of High Quality Materials.
7. Kimberly Rogers, MS Thesis. 2013. In Vitro Determination of Antibacterial Activities of Guava Cultivars.
8. Samuel M. NJordge, MS Thesis. 2012. Effectiveness of different growth media on callus development, vegetative propagation and use of neem plant to control nematodes.
9. Jessica A Grant, MS Thesis. 2012. Production of disease free muscadine grape (Vitis roundifolia) stock plants using micro propagation.
10. Kaity Renaud, MS Thesis. 2012. Study of various morphogenic responses of Vitis vinifera (Thompson Seedless Grapes).
1. “Establishing Innovative Graduate Research in Biotechnology” for $500,000, Title III sub award from USDA, 2012-2017.
2. “Establishing Advanced Technology and Innovative Horticultural Practices for Ecofriendly and Profitable Production of Stevia in Georgia” for $100,000, funded by Georgia Department of Agriculture, 2012-2015.
3. “Employing Green Technology and Best Management Practices to Mitigate Peach Tree Short Life (PTSL) for Sustainable Peach Production in Georgia.” for $500,000, funded by Research Station, USDA-NIFA, 2012-2017.
4. “Strengthening Veterinary Technology Instruction by Procuring State-of-the-Art Equipment” in 2007 by USDA for the year of 2007-2010, for $194, 939.00. (Co-PI)
5. “Educating the Educators: With Further Advances In Agricultural Biotechnology Education Enrichment for K-12 School Teachers”. Capacity Building Grant in 2005 by USDA for the year of 2005-2007, for $300,000. (Co-Pl)
6. “Application of In Vitro Plant Regeneration and Agrobacterium-Mediated Genetic Transformation to Enhance Cold hardiness in Guava”. Capacity Building Grant in 2004 by USDA for the year of 2004-2007, for $300,000. (Co-Principal Investigator)
1. Faculty New Researcher of the Year Award: Recipient of “Faculty New Researcher of the Year” 2008 Award.
2. Invited Speaker: Presentation research paper at the Annual meeting of the Society for In Vitro Biology (SIVB), as an invited speaker at San Francisco, CA.
3. Graduate Research Assistantship (1995-1999): Received graduate research assistantship for Ph.D. program at the University of Delhi.
4. Graduate Fellowship (1991): Received one time cash award for excellence in MS.
5. Undergraduate Fellowship (1989): Received cash award and complete waver for MS program.
1. Member of ‘Crop Science Society of America (CSSA)
2. Member of ‘Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
3. Member of ‘American Society of Agronomy (ASA)
4. Member of ‘American Society of Horticultural Sciences (ASHS)
5. Life member of ‘Association of Agricultural Scientists of Indian Origin (AASIO)’ in USA
6. Life Member of ‘Phytomorphology’ published Department of Botany, University of Delhi, India
7. Life Member of ‘Bangladesh Botanical Society’ published from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
1. Saha, U., L. Sonon, and B. Biswas 2017. A Comparison of Diffusion-Conductimetric and Distillation-Titration Methods in Analyzing Ammonium- and Nitrate-Nitrogen in the KCl- Extracts of Georgia Soils. Communications in Soil Sci. and Plant Analysis (Communicated).
2. Saha, U., Fayiga, A., Biswas, B., and L. Sonon 2017. Selenium in Soil-Crop- Animal System: A Holistic Perspective to Manage Animal and Human Health International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences vol.3(3): 51-66. doi: 10.11648/j.ijaas. 20170303.11,,ISSN: 2469-7877 (Print);
3. Bock, C. H., T. Endalew, B.K. Biswas, A.K. Yadav, M.W. Hotchkiss, K.L. Stevenson, R. Arias and B.W. Wood 2014. UP-PCR and RAPD markers to study genetic diversity of the pecan scab fungus (Fusicladium effusum G. Winter). Forest Pathology Article first published online: 26 FEB 2014 DOI: 10.1111/efp.12090. © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.
4. Biswas, B., Rogers, K., McLaughlin, F., Daniels, D. and A. Yadav. 2013. Antimicrobial Activities of Leaf Extracts of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) on Two Gram-Negative and Gram-Positive Bacteria, International Journal of Microbiology, vol. 2013, Article ID 746165, 7 pages, 2013.
5. Biswas, B. K., Joshee N., and A. Yadav 2006 Direct Somatic embryogenesis, synthetic seed production, and plant regeneration in guava. Acta Hort. 744: 267-276.
6. Joshee N., B. K. Biswas, and A. K. Yadav 2005. Somatic embryogenesis and plant development in Centella asiatica L. A highly prized medicinal plant of tropics. HortScience. 42: 633-637.
7. Bisht I. S., K. V. Bhat, S. Lakhanpaul, M. Latha, P. K. Jayan, Z. Abraham, B. K. Biswas, and A. K. Singh 2005. Diversity and genetic resources of wild Vigna species in India. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 52: 53-68.
8. Bisht I. S., K. V. Bhat, S. Lakhanpaul, B. K. Biswas, M. Pandiyan, and R. R. Hanchinal 2004. Broadening the genetic base of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) through Germplasm enhancement. Plant Genetic Resources. 2: 143-151.
9. Bisht I. S., K. V. Bhat, S. Lakhanpaul, B. K. Biswas, B. Ram, and S. P. S. Tanwar 2004. The potential of enhanced Germplasm for mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilezek) improvement. Plant Genetic Resources 2:73-80.
10. Biswas B. K., S. Lakhanpaul, I. S. Bisht, V. K. Chaudhary, and K. V. Bhat 2002. Use of molecular markers for identifying parental lines in mungbean genetic enhancement. 2nd Intl. Agronomy Congress, Nov. 26-30, New Delhi, India, Extended Summaries 2:1035-1037.
11. Rahman S. M., M. Hossain, B. K. Biswas, O. I. Joarder, and R. Islam 1993. Micropropagation of Caesalpinia pulcherrima through nodal bud culture of mature tree. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult. 32: 363-365.
12. Hossain M., R. Islam, M. R. Karim, O. I. Joarder, and B. K. Biswas 1994. Regeneration of plantlets from in vitro cultured cotyledons of Aegle marmelos Corr. (Rutaceae). Scientia Horticulturae 57: 315-321.
13. Hossain M., B. K. Biswas, M. R. Karim, S. M. Rahman, R. Islam, and O. I. Joarder 1994. In vitro organogenesis of elephant apple (Feronia limonia).Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult. 39:265-268.
1. Biswas, B., Z. Blake, A. Choi, N. Burnham, S. Penley, N. Sedhain, A. Sangra, and W. Whitehead 2017. Agbot’ Ground Robot that Can Take Pictures and Spray in the Peach Orchard. Abstract accepted in CSSA,SSA and ASA annual meeting will held in Tampa, Fl.
2. Biswas, B. K., M. McKinney, S. Chirchir, D. Smith, C. McCrary, N. Sedhain, A. Sangra, J. Surrency and U. Saha, 2017. Routine Analysis of Soil and Peach Tree (Prunus persica) Leaf Tissue Nutrients Profile towards Peach Tree Short Life Syndrome Study. Abstract accepted for ASHS meeting in Hawaii will held in September.
3. Chirchir, S. J., M. M. McKinney, and B. K. Biswas, 2017. Indirect Organogenesis and Somatic Embryo Induction in Prunus persica L. ARD meeting Atlanta.
4. Sedhain N. P. and B. K. Biswas 2017. In-Vitro and In-Situ Rooting of Stevia for Cultivation in Peach Orchard., ARD meeting Atlanta.
5. Bipul K Biswas 2016. Peach Biotechnology Research to Develop Reproducible Protocol for Micropropagation
6. Biswas, B. K. 2015. Developing Teaching and Research Station: Making High-density Peach Orchard for Best Management Practices and Directing Biotechnology Research to Mitigate PTSL Problems.
7. Moniece, M, Biswas, B. 2015. Investigating Peach Varieties using Plant Biotechnology and Best Management Practices. ASHS, 2015, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 4-8, 2015.
8. McCrary, C. and Biswas, B. 2015. Developing biotechnological and best management practices towards dealing with peach tree short life (PTSL). FVSU Research Day Poster, April 2015.
9. Brown, I. and Biswas, B. 2015.Investigating seed germination and the genetic analysis of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. FVSU Research Day Poster, April 2015. (Winner)
10. Smith, D. and Biswas, B. 2015. Investigating the effects of environment on peach tree short life on four peach varieties. FVSU Research Day Poster, April 2015.
11. Moniece, M. and Biswas, B. 2015. Sweet Fruit of Summer: Morphogenic Responses of Local Peach Rootstocks and Cultivars. FVSU Research Day Poster, April 2015.
12. Birmingham, S. and Biswas, B. 2015. Stevia: Sweet Leaf, Sweet Life. FVSU Research Day Poster, April 2015.
13. P. Bumpus, S. Konkayala, S. Johnson, B. Ojo, and B.K. Biswas. Investigating Stevia for High Yield and Biomass Production In Vitro. ARD Conference.
14. S. Johnson, P. Bumpus, S. Konkayala, B. Ojo, and B.K. Biswas. Investigating Medicinally Important Phytochemicals of Peach while Employing In Vitro Studies for PTSL Evaluation. ARD Conference.
15. S. Konkayala, P. Bumpus, S. Johnson, B. Ojo and B.K. Biswas. In Vitro Investigation of Neem for Higher Yield of Azadirachtin and its Biopesticidal Applications. ARD Conference.
16. Biswas, B.K., T. Mattice and N. Phillips 2011. Effect of Honey and Salt on Laboratory Rat (Sprague-Dawley- Rattus norvegicus), American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Annual Meeting held in San Diego, CA on October 2-6, 2011.
17. Williams, C., B. Biswas and F. McLaughlin, 2011. Understanding Bacteria and their Controlling Measures Employing Traditional Household Materials. Presented In: 68th Annual Meeting of BKX/NIH (Beta Kappa Chi/National Institute of Science) held in Atlanta, GA on March 23-27, 2011.
18. Biswas, B.K., N. Phillips, T. Mattice, and K.L. Arora, 2010. The effect of Feeding Salt and Honey Solution to Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica), American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Annual Meeting at Atlanta, GA on October 10-14, 2010.
19. Arora, K.L., V. Vatsalya, and Biswas, B. K. 2010.Characterization of Postnatal Testicular Growth in Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica), American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Annual Meeting at Atlanta, GA on October 10-14, 2010.
20. Biswas, B.K., N. Phillips, T. Mattice, and K.L. Arora, 2009. Effects of Honey on Feed Consumption and Body Weight of Sprague Dawley and Obese Rats‟ American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Annual Meeting at Denver, CO.P-72,p 32.
21. Biswas, B.K., T. Mattice, and K.L. Arora, 2009. The effect of various concentrations of salt on health on Japanese quail‟ Poultry Science Association at Raleigh, NC. P-276, p35.
22. Biswas, B.K., N. Phillips, T. Mattice, and K.L. Arora, 2009. Obesity: Will Honey Reduce Overeating Habit? Presented as oral presentation during 15th Biennial ARD (Asso. for Res.
Director Inc.) Research Symposium held in Atlanta, GA on March 28- April 1,2009.
23. Biswas, B. K. and K.L. Arora, 2008. Effects of Feed and Water Deprivation on Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica). 2008 AALAS National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. p119.
24. Biswas, B.K. and K.L. Arora, 2008 Effects of Feed and Water Deprivation on Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica). Abstracts of Scientific Papers 2008 AALAS National Meeting, November 8-13, 2008, Indianapolis, IN Abst. Laboratory Investigation, P-168, p119.
25. Biswas, B.K. and K.L. Arora, 2008 Fertility assessment of male Japanese quail bird by the size of their cloacal gland. In 2008 Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting, July 20-23, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, Abst. MP262 in Poultry Science 87: 84.
26. Biswas, B.K., and K.L. Arora, 2008. Variability in embryonic and postembryonic growth in Japanese quail: Effect of egg weight. In 2008 Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting, July 20-23, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, Abst. TP420 in Poultry Science 87: 132.
27. Biswas, B.K. and K.L. Arora, 2007 Some Observations on Molting Male Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica). ADSA.PSA.AMPA.ASAS Joint Annual Meeting held at San Antonio, TX. Abst. W-233, on July 8-12, 2007.
28. Biswas, B. K., N. Joshee, A. Yadav and A. K. Yadav 2006. Investigating the Efficiency of Plant Cell-based Cultures to Achieve Bio production. Poster presented at “2006 Meeting of the Society for the In Vitro Biology” held at Minneapolis, MN on June 3-7, 2006.
29. Biswas, B. K. 2006. Somatic Embryogenesis and High Frequency Plantlet Recovery In Guava. Poster presented at 14th Biennial Research Symposium of Agricultural Research Directors Inc., held at Atlanta, GA on April 1-5, 2006.
30. Biswas, B. K., N. Joshee, A. Yadav and A. K. Yadav 2006. Investigating the Efficiency of Plant Cell-based Cultures to Achieve Bio production. In Vitro. P-3024. pp.11-12.
31. Biswas, B. K., A. Yadav, and A. K. Yadav. 2006. Would Leaf Cultures of Neem be Adequate to Produce Azadirachtin Over an Extended Period of Time? HortSci. 41:963.
32. Yadav, A. K., Joshee, N., Biswas, B.K., and A. Yadav 2006. The Biotechnology Initiative For “Educating The Educators”: Advancing The Interest Of K-12 Students for Hands–On-Experience. 14th Biennial Res. Sympo., April 1-5, Atl., GA, Assoc. Res, Dir. Abst. 118:118.
33. Yadav, A., Joshee, N., Biswas, B.K., and A. Yadav 2006. Biotechnological Studies in Brahmi. Biennial Res. Sympo., April1-5, Atlanta,GA, Asso. Res, Dir. Abst.117:117-118.
34. Yadav, A. K., N. Joshee, Biswas, B.K., and A. Yadav, 2006. Biotechnological Advances in Medicinal and Nutraceuticals Plants. In Vitro Biology Meeting Silent Abst.
35. Yadav, A., N. Joshee, Biswas, B.K., and A. K. Yadav 2006. Mass Multiplication and Agrobacterium-mediated Genetic Transformation of Brahmi for Cold Tolerance. HortScience 41: 964-965.
36. Yadav, A., Biswas, B.K., N. Joshee, and A. K. Yadav 2005. Development and Application of Biotechnology in Guava: A Nutraceutical Fruit. FAV Health 2005, Intl Symp. on Human Health effects of Fruits and Vegetables, Quebec City, Canada P. on August 17-20,page: 35-36
37. Biswas B.K. 2005. In Vitro Propagation and Somatic Embryogenesis in Phalsa. Paper presented to „American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) Annual Conference held at Las Vegas, Nevada on July 18-21, 2005.
38. Biswas B.K. 2005. Plant Regeneration in Guava through Somatic Embryogenesis. Paper presented in 2005 In Vitro Biology Meeting‟ held at Baltimore, Maryland on June 5-8, 2005.
39. Biswas, B. K., N. Joshee, A. Yadav, and A. K. Yadav 2005. Employing Afro Forestry Practices in Your Farm‟ and „Potential of Medicinal Plants to Supplement Farm Income. Presented poster at the „Annual Agriculture Meeting‟ organized by the American Farm Bureau Foundation held at Charlotte, North Carolina on Jan. 9-10, 2005.
40. Biswas, B.K., Yadav, A., Joshee, N., and A. K. Yadav 2005. In Vitro Plant Regeneration and Genetic Transformation to Enhance Cold Hardiness in Guava: A Nutraceutical Fruit. 1st Intl Guava Symp, Dec. 5-8, CISH Lucknow, India. 3.O.2: 31-32.
41. Biswas, B., N. Joshee, A. Yadav, and A. K. Yadav 2005a. In vitro Propagation and Somatic Embryogenesis in Phalsa. HortScience 40:1104.
42. Biswas, B., Joshee, N., Yadav, A., and Yadav A. K. 2005b. Plant regeneration in guava through somatic embryogenesis. In Vitro, P-1002, 41:26A.
43. Biswas, B. K., Eugene Amoah, Curtis Borne. N. Joshee, and A. K. Yadav. 2004. Southern AgBiotech Consortium for Underserved Communities- the field evaluation on Bt corn, GM zucchini and yellow squash. Presented poster at the Annual Meeting of Southern AgBiotech Consortium for Underserved Communities (SACUC) ‟ held at Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN on September 22-24, 2004.
44. Biswas, B. K., N. Joshee, and A. K. Yadav. 2004. Can Agricultural Biotechnology Help Guava Growing in Temperate Climate. Paper presented to „American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) Annual Conference held at Austin, Texas on July 17-20, 2004.
45. Biswas, B. K., N. Joshee, A. Yadav, and A. K. Yadav. 2004. Guava (Psidium guajava L.)- A suitable fruit tree for agroforestry. Presented in „1st World Congress of Agroforestry‟ held at Orlando, Florida on June 27- July 2, 2004.
46. Biswas, B. K., N. Joshee, A. Yadav, and A. K. Yadav 2004. Application of Biotechnology in Neem, the Indian medicinal tree of Ayurveda. Presented paper to WAVES meeting held at University of Maryland, Washington, D.C. on July 9-11, 2004.
47. Biswas, B. K., N. Joshee, and A. K. Yadav. 2004a. Developing Biotechnology to Regenerate and Improve Selected Nutraceutical Plants. In Vitro, P-33, 40: 23A.
48. Biswas, B. K., N. Joshee, and A. K. Yadav. 2004b. Can Agricultural Biotechnology Help Guava Growing in Temperate Climate. HortScience: 861.
49. Biswas, B. K., N. Joshee and A. K. Yadav. 2004c Guava (Psidium guajava L.)- A suitable fruit tree for agroforestry. Book of Abstr. on 1st World Cong AgForestry, p-110.
50. Joshee N., B. K. Biswas, and A. K. Yadav 2004a. Scutellaria: A non-timber forest product of great medicinal potential. Book of Abstracts on 1st World Cong AgForestry. p.129.
51. Joshee N., B. K. Biswas, and A. K. Yadav 2004b. In vitro regeneration and green house establishment of medicinal and rare Skulcaps (Scutellaria). In Vitro, P-31, 40: 23A.
52. Joshee N., B. K. Biswas, and A. K. Yadav 2004c. Somatic embryogenesis in Centella asiatica, a valuable medicinal plant. HortScience 39:859.
53. Biswas, B. K., N. Joshee, and A. K. Yadav. 2003. Developing Biotechnology to Regenerate and Improve Selected Woody Fruit Plants. Presented poster at the Department of Biotechnology in Biotechnology Symposium held at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN on Nov. 16-18, 2003.
54. Bipul Biswas 2015. Specialty Plants and Crop Improvement, Text Book for BIOT 5253 Published by McGraw-Hill Publication, pages 803. ISBN-10:1308564805 ISBN-13:9781308564807.
55. Bipul Biswas 2015. Specialty Plants and Crop Improvement Laboratory Book for course BIOT 5253 Published by McGraw-Hill Publication, pages 170, ISBN: 9781308615103.
56. Gupta, S. C., and B. K. Biswas 2001. In vitro clonal propagation of elite neem (Azadirachta indica) tree-a research study. Published by Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India, New Dehli.
57. Bipul Biswas, 2015. Specialty Plants and Crop Improvement. Published by McGraw-Hill. BIOT 6533pp-1- 803.ISBN:13:9781308564807.
58. Bipul Biswas, 2015. Specialty Plants and Crop Improvement, BIOT 6533 - Lab. Published by McGraw-Hill. pp- 1-165.ISBN:13:9781308615103.
59. Joarder O.I., A.T.M. Naderuzzaman, R. Islam, M. Hossain, N. Joarder, and B.K. Biswas 1996. Micropropagation of neem through axillary bud culture. In: Singh R.P., M S. Chari, A.K. Raheja, and W. Kraus (eds.) Neem and the Environment, Vol. 2. Science Publishers, New Hampshire, pp.961-966.
60. Biswas, B. K. and S. C. Gupta 2008.Micropropagation of an elite Neem tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) In: S. M. Jain and H. Häggman (eds.) Protocols of Micropropagation for Woody Trees and Fruits, Chapter # 32. Springer Printed in The Netherlands pp.435-443. Website: makes-use- soilless-method- grow-plants/