Bhavana Burell


College of Arts and Sciences

Bhavana Burell

Bhavana Burell


College of Arts and Sciences

University Directory



Master of Science (August 2017)
Managerial Information Systems
Georgia College and State University
Milledgeville, Georgia
Master of Science (December 2015)
Business Administration
Georgia College and State University
Milledgeville, Georgia
(Includes 18 Graduate Hours in Managerial Information Systems)
Master of Science (December 2007)
Computer Science
Georgia Southwestern State University
Americus, Georgia
(Includes 18 Graduate Hours in Mathematics)
Master of Science (August 1996)
Middle Grades Education
Fort Valley State University
Fort Valley, GA
Teacher Certification Tests –Praxis (General and Secondary Mathematics, Middle Grades, and Science)
Bachelor of Science (June 1995)
Computer Science
Fort Valley State University
Bachelor of Science (June 1995)
Fort Valley State University


August 2011 to Present
Computer Science/Mathematics Lecturer
Fort Valley State University Computer Science and Mathematics Department
Taught Introduction to Computers. Taught Excel, Access, Word document and PowerPoint. Also taught math courses such as College Algebra, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Geometry for Teachers, Statistics, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics.
August 2003 to 2011
Mathematics Lab Director
Fort Valley State University Mathematics Lab
Performed general office duties including computer data entry, record-keeping, filing, telephone and in-person communication. Assisted all university students with mathematics and math-related courses. Conducted GACE, GRE, GMAT and Praxis workshops.
July 2000 to August 2003
High School Teacher
Peach County High School, Fort Valley, Georgia
Taught Mathematics courses such as Algebra I and II, Geometry and Competency Mathematics for students in grades 9-12. Prep Coordinator for after school program in
mathematics and science. Taught Summer School and conducted the Georgia High School graduation tests in mathematics and SAT workshops during the summer.
August 1994 to July 2000
Office Manager
Primerica, Fort Valley, Georgia
Performed daily office duties including quotes for investments and insurance, worked on CallAtlanta, Deltanet, E-mail software.
June 1994 to August 1994
Computer Camp Coordinator/Day Camp Counselor
MWR Youth Services, Seoul and Taegu, South Korea
Developed Computer Camp Manual, Campaigned for more military children ages 9-13 years to join the  computer camp, taught computer programming, games and graphics. For Day Camp, taught swimming, songs, games, arts and craft.
February 1994 to June 1994
Student Intern
Digitest Corporation, Warner Robins, Georgia
Worked on Fortran Program on the mainframe, worked and research on different mathematical software such as Mathcad, Mathematica, MathLab, and HiQ.


Miss International Students’ Organization
Dean’s List (1989-1991)
Beta Kappa Chi Scientific Honor Society
Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society
Kappa Delta Epsilon Education Honor Society
Who’s Who Among American Colleges and Universities
Secretary, Mathematics Club
Treasurer, Computer Science Club


Speak, read and write French/English fluently. Basic conversational ability in Japanese.


Windows XP Professional including Word, Excel, Access and Powerpoint, SPSS, Statdisk, Minitab, Java Programming, Fortran and Cobol Programming, HTML, Visual Basic, Visual Visio.