Computer Science

Study the organization, design, and functions of computers, scientific and technical application, programming principles and languages, data structure and networks, database and operating systems, software engineering, and artificial intelligence.

Fort Valley State University

dive into concepts that organize our lives

Computer science at FVSU involves the study of the logical organization, design, and functions of computers with emphasis on scientific and technical applications.

Woman working at computer

Professionals trained in computer science pursue careers in areas such as software development, product development, hardware design, systems analysis, database administration, network administration, application design and cybersecurity, among other areas.

FVSU’s Bachelor of Science degree major in computer science student with a firm foundation for graduate study, as well as the necessary skills for viable, entry-level employment upon graduation. Some exceptional students participate in dual degree engineering or geosciences programs with partner colleges.

FVSU’s Bachelor of Science degree program major in computer science is administered through the Mathematics and Computer Science Department in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Meet the Faculty

The Mathematics and Computer Science Department faculty at Fort Valley State University understand what it takes to succeed.


Program Contact

Xiangyan Zeng

Xiangyan Zeng, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Computer Science